Sure, getting holiday presents can be fun and exciting… until you open that wrapping paper only to discover an ugly Christmas sweater three sizes too big for you, or the same book you got (and still haven’t read) last year. So Burger King has a suggestion: why not trade them in for a burger you may not want that much more, but won’t have to store anywhere? [More]
christmas gifts

Here Are Some Last-Minute Gift Ideas For Last-Minute Gift-Givers
It’s December 21, shipping deadlines are winding down, and you have gifts left to arrange. What do you do? “Panic” isn’t a valid option, so here are some ideas for what you can do instead. [More]

Should I Test My Kid’s PS4 Before Gift-Wrapping It? Yes.
Reader J. was upset to read our post about a reader whose new PlayStation 4 was dead on arrival, and to learn that he wasn’t the only one. She ordered one from Amazon for her kid for Christmas, and had planned to leave it sealed up and hidden away until December 25th. “What if it’s one of the duds?” she wrote. “Should I open it and test it now? I really didn’t want to give him an opened box…” [More]

Best Buy Screws Up Gift Return, Causes Family Awkwardness
Whenever we post a Best Buy story, commenters scold the tipster: don’t they read the site? They should have known better than to shop at Best Buy in the first place! It’s impossible (I hope) to blame Todd, though–his mother-in-law bought him a gadget gift there. A car dock for the wrong type of smartphone, along with a gift receipt. This should have been a smooth and simple transaction, right? Of course not. [More]

Microsoft Replaces Defective Netbook, Saves Christmas
Even the biggest and scariest corporations employ compassionate people who put customers first. You just have to find them. David was lucky enough to find one such employee at Microsoft. He received a free Dell netbook after purchasing Office 2010, and set it aside as a Christmas gift for his mom. It was defective. David thought that the gift would be late…until a Microsoft employee went above and beyond, saving Free Netbookmas. [More]