The Drywall Safety Act of 2012 passed Congress on New Year’s Day 2013 and is currently waiting for President Obama’s signature. The purpose of the bill is to keep stinky and hazardous drywall out of American homes. Simple enough. Thanks to the miracle of democracy, the bill has been watered down and gives less power to the Consumer Product Safety Commission and more to the building industry to draw up its own voluntary standards. [More]
chinese drywall

Deduct Costs Of Stinky Chinese Drywall From Your Taxes
You can get some money if your home was ruined by defective Chinese drywall that emitted nasty-ass sulfuric fumes. The IRS yesterday said that homeowners could treat the damages to both their homes and appliances as a casualty loss and deduct it from their taxes. [More]

Half-A-Dozen Companies Knew About Tainted Drywall, But Stayed Mum And Kept Selling It
Newly released court documents indicate that over a half-dozen companies knew about the rotten egg smells exuding from Chinese drywall since 2006, but they stayed quiet and kept selling the junk. [More]

I Like Smelling Farts, Chinese Drywall Distributor Tells Court
Do you like farts? Documents and depositions unearthed by ProPublica and the Sarasota Harold-Tribune show exchanges between homebuilder WCI Communities and drywall distributor Banner that reveal the sulfur-emitting drywall problem was known as far back as 2006, and yet customers and authorities were not notified. In one deposition, a Banner executive refuses to admit that sulfur-stinking drywall might bother others, seeing as he himself, on certain occasions, enjoys the sweet aroma of another man’s butt gas: [More]

Gov Says All Stinky Chinese Drywall Should Be Gutted
The Consumer Products Safety Commission today released their long-awaited guidelines about the stinky Chinese drywall that has been linked to corrosion and is described in the report as “sulfur-emitting.” The bottom line? Get out the tools. That stuff’s gotta go. Here’s the really bad news: CPSC and HUD also recommend that you replace “electrical components and wiring, gas service piping, fire suppression sprinkler systems, smoke alarms and carbon monoxide alarms.” [More]

CPSC Links Chinese Drywall To Home Corrosion
The CPSC announced findings linking Chinese drywall to reports of home corrosion, and a possible link between the sulfuric gas emitting from them and health problems.

Insurers Drop Homeowners With Stinky Chinese Drywall
If you own a house made with poisonous Chinese drywall, you may soon have one fewer thing to worry about: paying your homeowner’s insurance premiums.

EPA Releases Report On Stinky Chinese Drywall
Homeowners in Florida have been complaining that Chinese-made drywall has been stinking up their homes and corroding their wiring — and now that EPA has released a report that finds that indeed, there is something rotten smelling in the drywall. Sulfur.