
Airports On High Alert After TSA Seizes Block Cheese

Logan security remains high as terror concerns are raised [Boston Globe] (Thanks to Dork Esquire!)

Dear Subway, Please Use Your Isosceles Cheese Correctly

Dear Subway, Please Use Your Isosceles Cheese Correctly

Come on guys, you got the putting calories on the menu thing right. Now, let’s try draping the calories across the sub in a geometrically satisfying pattern, the one that fulfills the design destiny intended by your sandwich scientists. Spurn not their legacy. [More]

Pizza Hut Raises Prices, Unveils New Strategy: Treat Cheese "Like An Extra Topping"

Pizza Hut Raises Prices, Unveils New Strategy: Treat Cheese "Like An Extra Topping"

Pizza Hut has declared that cheese is a topping, meaning that plain pizzas and pies with one topping will now cost the same. The chain’s declaration comes in response to the rising price of block cheddar, the light sweet crude of the cheese market. Pizza Hut buys 300 million pounds of cheese each year.

Jennifer Little, a Pizza Hut spokeswoman, said the new strategy is to treat cheese “almost like an extra topping.” Little said the price change also could be justified because a typical cheese pizza has about 50 percent more cheese than a similar-size pie with one topping, such as pepperoni.

Papa John’s has no plans has no plans to treat cheese like a topping; the Pizza Hut rival hedged its cheese supply, guaranteeing steady prices through the summer. — CAREY GREENBERG-BERGER

Stop & Shop: Cheese From The Deli 66% More Expensive Than The Same Cheese On The Shelf

Stop & Shop: Cheese From The Deli 66% More Expensive Than The Same Cheese On The Shelf

Reader J noticed the Cabot cheddar on Stop & Shop’s shelf carries a 66% markup when purchased from the deli department. Cabot Seriously Sharp Cheddar sells for $4.38 per pound on the shelf, while the exact same cheddar costs $7.29 in the deli department.

Salmonella From Illegal Cheese Strikes Chicagoland

Salmonella From Illegal Cheese Strikes Chicagoland

Kane County health officials said Thursday that cheese may be causing a salmonella outbreak that has made at least 20 people sick.

What Is The Definition of "Real Kraft Cheese"?

What Is The Definition of "Real Kraft Cheese"?

Kraft, like many food makers, often walks a fine line with its marketing, testing the limits of federal labeling regulations that are often vague or confusing.

McDonald’s Re-Gifts A Burger

Yes, they handed Joel some cheese in a box. Joel, being a sane person, refused cheese in a box. “I handed her the box of cheese, and the one bite missing burger, and asked if you could please remake it…Another minute passes, the lady comes back and hands me a very very hot box with a Home style burger in it, I hand it to the girlfriend and …She opened the box and guess what! It’s her exact same burger! With the bite missing. What they did was take the spare piece of cheese, slap it on the burger, and nuke it for about a minute.”

Buy Cheese, Fly for Free?

Buy Cheese, Fly for Free?

Good old Jason Kottke, hero of the internet, has posted a couple links to some folks who’ve discovered a way to replicate the “buy lots of pudding, get frequent flier miles” plot-line from P.T. Anderson’s Punch Drunk Love, which, in turn, was based on “a caper well-known within the frequent flier community when David Phillips purchased over 1.2 million frequent flyer miles for just under $2400, which has allowed him and his family to fly to over 20 countries for free.”

French Use Naked Women To Sell Cheese

French Use Naked Women To Sell Cheese

The French finally have the right idea about something. Shying away from the stuffy pretension the lugubrious Frogs have usually employed to advertise their food stuffs, one sassy mademoiselle is promoting cheese in the way God intended: by photographing various semi-clad French wenches holding plates of camembert in their bras and panties. Can we — the loyal consumers of numerous baguette-spreadable cheeses — do anything less than offer this visionary a tripod salute?