The payday lending industry claims that recent regulatory efforts to rein in short-term, high-interest loans have severely restricted their access to traditional banks. Now a trade organization representing the controversial lenders has asked for a federal court to intervene. [More]

Outline For Payday Lending Rules A Good Start, But Not Enough To Fully Protect Consumers
Today, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau released the first details of long-awaited regulations governing payday loans and other small-dollar lines of credit known to thrust consumers into a devastating cycle of debt. While consumer advocates were quick to applaud the Bureau’s work, and those in the financial industry to voice displeasure with aspects of the potential rules, both groups agreed that the coming months will involve more time and effort to craft meaningful protections for both sides of the issue. [More]
PayDay Loans' New Ad About How Payday Loans Are For Upstanding Citizens
“Please borrow only what you feel comfortable paying back when it’s due,” says Darrin Andersen, president of the Community Financial Services Assn. A new emblem will tell borrowers which lenders meet his trade group’s requirements, Andersen says in the ad.

PayDay Loans Are Awesome
We tripped up over this little gem dropped in the payday loan industry’s press conference held on Wed Feb 21st – which attended by remote telephone (neat!).
Almost As Many PayDay Loan Centers As There Are McDonalds
There’s almost as many PayDay Loan Centers in America as there are McDonald’s.