
Why Does It Take So Long To Get To The Voicemail Message?

Why Does It Take So Long To Get To The Voicemail Message?

Ever notice how freaking long it takes to get to your messages? You’re told three times in a row that a message is about to play. “You have one unheard message. The following message has not been heard. First unheard message.”

And This Is Your $4190.76 iPhone Bill

And This Is Your $4190.76 iPhone Bill

Like others, Pierre had found out the hard way just how extremely expensive international data transfer rates are…

Cingular's Class Arbitration Waiver Ruled "Unconscionable" By 9th Circuit Court Of Appeals

Like many many companies, Cingular has a little thing in their contracts saying that if you use their service, you void your right to a class action lawsuit and instead have to go through “mandatory binding arbitration,” which is basically an extra-judicial corporate court exempt from many of the basic rules and laws and procedures and rights of real court. Well, today, that clause was ruled “unconscionable” by the 9th Circuit Court Of Appeals. Therefore, lawsuits can proceed against Cingular and go to real court, not monkey court. Hooray!

Is AT&T Crippling The Blackberry So It Doesn't Make The iPhone Look Bad?

Is AT&T Crippling The Blackberry So It Doesn't Make The iPhone Look Bad?

Over at Blackberry Cool they’re claiming that an AT&T insider told them AT&T had bullied RIM into crippling the Blackberry’s GPS features so it wouldn’t make the iPhone look bad in comparison.

How To Cancel Sprint Without Termination Fee Over New Text Message Rate Change

How To Cancel Sprint Without Termination Fee Over New Text Message Rate Change

If anyone is looking for a cheap way to escape their Sprint cellphone contract, you can use their raising of the pay-as-you-go text message rates from 15 cents to 20 cents as an excuse. Here’s the step by step procedure to follow…

Internal AT&T Manual For Handling All Kinds Of Customer Complaints

Internal AT&T Manual For Handling All Kinds Of Customer Complaints

Here’s a direct port from the AT&T/Cingular internal database on how to handle complaining customers. These are the document every customer service rep in their call centers uses to deal with you when you kvetch. If you have an issue with AT&T, you can use this as a guide to see how they’re going to react to your various thrusts and parries, from simple billing and service issues to requests for cancellation and escalations to the Office of the President (gamely referred to by the acronym “OOP”)…


AT&T experiencing coast-to-coast data service outages, reader Michael writes, with users unable to connect to EDGE via iPhone or use data via Blackberries. Reportedly, it should be fixed within 1-2 hours. (P)

Updated: Contact AT&T CEO, Randall Stephenson

Updated: Contact AT&T CEO, Randall Stephenson

Randall Stephenson, AT&T CEO
rs2982@att.com (direct)
phone: 210-351-5401 (direct to his secretary)
fax 210-351-3553
alternate phone: 210-821-4105 (headquarters, press 3, ask for Mr. Stephenson’s office)
175 E. Houston
San Antonio, TX 78205 [More]

If You're Out Of Cellphone Service For A Long Time, Remove Your Battery

If You're Out Of Cellphone Service For A Long Time, Remove Your Battery

If you’re going to be in an area with no cellphone service for more than a few hours, consider removing your cellphone battery during that time or it might go dead. It seems that turning your cellphone off isn’t enough; the cellphone may continually try to resync with the mothership grid, and the successive abortive attempts are very draining on the battery level.

Do You Shun Friends With Other Cellphone Carriers?

Do You Shun Friends With Other Cellphone Carriers?

The Times brings us the sad story of Brandy McDowell and Kezia Chandler, two longtime friends whose relationship was shattered when they signed up with rival cellphone companies. The prospect of free mobile-to-mobile minutes has baited many friends groups to sign up or stick with the same carrier, ruining some friendships in the process. The Times article is rife with accounts of people who lost contact with friends banished to wilderness of nights and weekends. Are you loyal to your friends or your wallet? Tell us in our poll, after the jump.

AT&T: Phone Stolen? You're Still Responsible For The $450 In Soft Core Porn Downloads

AT&T: Phone Stolen? You're Still Responsible For The $450 In Soft Core Porn Downloads

Tiffany’s cellphone was stolen right before she got on a chartered sailboat for a week of vacation. When she got back, AT&T told her she was responsible for the entire week of soft core porn downloading that the thief had enjoyed during the time she was away.

Got Cellphone Service With Unicel? Welcome To Verizon Wireless

Got Cellphone Service With Unicel? Welcome To Verizon Wireless

If you’ve got a cellphone with Rural Wireless (also known as Unicel) your contract has just been purchased by Verizon Wireless.

Yes, You Can Insure Your iPhone Against Accidental Damage And Theft

AppleCare’s iPhone coverage is limited to hardware issues and technical support; if you drop your iPhone on the sidewalk, you may be out $600, unless you have insurance against accidental damage and theft.

iPhone Sends Itemized Bill For Every Single Image You Access

iPhone Sends Itemized Bill For Every Single Image You Access

Unfortunately, Apple’s design gurus didn’t get to lovingly sculpt AT&T’s billing system, so when the first iPhone users opened their bills this month, they got a surprise. Actually, pages upon pages of surprises. Every single image gets assessed a fee based on its kilobytes, and is then painstakingly itemized on your AT&T bill.

Reach AT&T Wireless Executive Customer Service

Reach AT&T Wireless Executive Customer Service


Contact AT&T CEO, Randall Stephenson

Contact AT&T CEO, Randall Stephenson


Apple Shares Plummet On News Of Disappointing iPhone Sales

Apple Shares Plummet On News Of Disappointing iPhone Sales

Analysts had estimated that AT&T and Apple would sell and activate 500,000 iPhones before AT&T’s earnings report was released yesterday.

iPhone Hacked, Compromising All  Your Personal Data

iPhone Hacked, Compromising All Your Personal Data

Bleeding-edge early-adopters take note: The iPhone may be a sexy little device, but security experts have found a way to hack it and take complete control of the device. Complete and utter vulnerability. Hackers find their way into the phone via the iPhone’s version of the Safari web browser.