
iTunes Makes Weird Al Broke

iTunes Makes Weird Al Broke

If Chinese sweatshops or locking yourself into an anti-competitive DRM format aren’t enough reasons to stop you from buying songs from iTunes, at least take pity on polka’s favorite rockin’ freak: Weird Al Yankovic says he makes a lot less money if you buy a song from iTunes than if you buy one of his CDs.

Dear Diary: Today I Went to Best Buy

Gus went shopping today at Best Buy and decided to write us. It’s not a rant, not necessarily a complaint and probably won’t make you a better person.

RIAA Claims Sales At Six Year Low

RIAA Claims Sales At Six Year Low

Speaking of the RIAA, you may have seen on Friday that they released their 2005 sales figures on Friday, claiming that this was the worst year on record for the music industry. While gleefully bragging that their measures to sue elderly grandmothers and eleven year old girls has “held piracy” in check, the RIAA was quick to warn that little punks like Cassi Hunt were the real villains who had prevented the execs from trading up their Ferraris this year; “the distribution of music through internal networks on college campuses, remained ‘major factors’ in the industry’s declining sales.”