
Three On-Demand Food Delivery Services Hit With Lawsuits Over Worker Misclassification

Three On-Demand Food Delivery Services Hit With Lawsuits Over Worker Misclassification

GrubHub, DoorDash and Caviar can all deliver food to customers with a few taps and clicks on an app, and they all have something else in common — they’re each facing new lawsuits alleging that their delivery drivers are misclassified as independent contractors. [More]

(Mills DA on YouTube)

Norwegian Company Live Streaming 11-Month Caviar Aging Process

If you’re the kind of person who enjoyed watching 11 hours of brisket cooking and is looking for your next challenge, you might want to slip into some extra soft pants and prepare yourself for a real food marathon: A Norwegian company is live streaming footage of barrels of caviar aging over 11 months. [More]


Mmm, Food Court Fish Eggs: California Mall Introduces Caviar Vending Machine

Perhaps you just can’t find the right course to follow that trio of Cinnabons paired with a food court coffee and have an extra $500 just burning a hole in your pocket. If you like fish eggs and happen to be at a mall in Southern California, you’ll be in luck: A company there has just introduced a caviar vending machine, where customers can buy a tin of the stuff for anywhere from $12 to $500. [More]