In the last few years, Walmart has had problems with security and with keeping its shelves stocked, but of which it was able to fix by adding or re-allocating staff. One way that it could solve that problem is by having robots perform some tasks that robots can handle, and a patent that Walmart recently filed indicates that carts and merchandise that move themselves around may be coming to your local store. RoboCart? [More]

Shaw's Wants You To Shop More With Their Wheeled Baskets
Shaw’s has wised up to the trick of using a basket instead of a shopping cart to physically limit your grocery purchases, and they’ve come up with a creative workaround: convertible baskets that you can drag behind you on wheels when they become too heavy to carry.

How To Build A Shopping Cart Bike
Instructables user Zieak has built the ultimate shopping bike. Trouble is, it doesn’t really corner that well. Maybe you can help him improve it?