
Sixteen Sweet Fuel-Sipping Cars

Sixteen Sweet Fuel-Sipping Cars

To help you fight the battle against high gasoline prices, Consumer Reports has put together a list of the 16 best used fuel-sipping cars. The list only contains cars under 10 years old and the criteria is based on fuel economy and reliability. It does not take into account driver comfort or fancy options. Check out CNN’s full article for more detailed information on each car. The list, inside…

G.M. Will Close 4 Plants, May Sell "Hummer"

G.M. Will Close 4 Plants, May Sell "Hummer"

Gas prices are changing consumer behavior says G.M., forcing the manufacturer to slash production and close 4 plants as they make the shift toward more fuel efficient vehicles. They also announced that they may sell the “Hummer” brand.

If Wells Fargo Calls To Offer You An Equity Loan On Your Car… Say No.

If Wells Fargo Calls To Offer You An Equity Loan On Your Car… Say No.

Over on the Credit Slips blog, Elizabeth Warren posted an email from a bankruptcy lawyer who was stunned at the horrible deal one of her clients got from Wells Fargo on an equity loan on a car.

Trapster: A Cellphone Social Network To Fight Speed Traps

Trapster: A Cellphone Social Network To Fight Speed Traps

Each year, Americans spend billions (yes, we said billions) of dollars on traffic tickets. Launched in April, a new service called Trapster aims to help keep some of that money in your pocket by alerting you to nearby speed traps through your cell phone or PDA. According to CNN, Trapster incorporates a live database with your mobile device’s GPS or WiFi capability to alert you to nearby police speed traps as well as radar and red-light cameras. Details and demonstration video, inside…..

New Car? Put It On The Credit Card

New Car? Put It On The Credit Card

Why should dealers tell you what you can and can’t charge to your credit card? Cars represent a jackpot of credit rewards that every consumer is entitled to collect. There’s nothing stopping from charging your new car straight to your credit card, if you storm the dealership armed with the right tools…

Kieffe & Sons Takes Back Apology For "Sit Down And Shut Up" Ad, Attacks "Blog-Lo-Dites"

Kieffe & Sons Takes Back Apology For "Sit Down And Shut Up" Ad, Attacks "Blog-Lo-Dites"

Another update to the Kieffe & Sons “Sit Down and Shut Up” ad fiasco: The quasi-apology issued by the California Ford dealer on Wednesday was mandated by Ford Headquarters. Kieffe & Sons remains unrepentant, so to speak, and blames the imbroglio on “Blog-lo-dites.”

CA Ford Dealership Apologizes For Ad Telling Non-Christians To "Sit Down And Shut Up"

CA Ford Dealership Apologizes For Ad Telling Non-Christians To "Sit Down And Shut Up"

On Monday, we wrote about Kieffe & Sons, the California Ford Dealership that ran a pointlessly offensive radio ad attacking non-Christians and supporters of secular government. Today, the owner of Kieffe and sons apologized for the ad.

California Ford Dealership Radio Ad Tells Non-Christians To "Sit Down And Shut Up"

California Ford Dealership Radio Ad Tells Non-Christians To "Sit Down And Shut Up"

Kieffe and Sons, a California Ford dealership, decided for some reason to launch a radio ad attacking non-Christians and people who believe that prayer shouldn’t be in public schools. Audio and transcript of the ad, inside.

High Gas Prices Transform Geo Metros From Weak To Chic

High Gas Prices Transform Geo Metros From Weak To Chic

The formerly mocked and neglected Geo Metro is finding new popularity amidst high gas prices. According to CNN, the Geo Metro is making a spectacular comeback, especially on eBay. You might be surprised to learn that the Geo Metro and Toyota Prius get nearly the same gas mileage. Now consider that a Metro can be found for about $7000 compared to a new Prius which costs $21,000+, it becomes easy to see the attraction. Details, inside…

Save When Renting Cars

Save When Renting Cars

ABC has some good tips on how to save when renting cars. For instance:

K2 Auto Group In Minneapolis Uses The "I Hate You, Get Out" Sales Method

K2 Auto Group In Minneapolis Uses The "I Hate You, Get Out" Sales Method

Jesse sent us a copy of the letter he recently sent to about the treatment his mother received at the K2 Auto Group car lot in Bloomington, Minneapolis.The salesmen who “greeted” them employed a novel sales technique whereby you treat the customer like she’s not rich or smart enough to even own a car, much less one of your beauties. Oddly, it didn’t work, and they left without buying anything. Read on for the salesman’s amazing technique in action.

6 Gas Saving Myths… Debunked

6 Gas Saving Myths… Debunked

CNNMoney has compiled a list of gas saving myths and asked Consumer Reports and to debunk them. Here’s the list:

Chrysler: Want $2.99 Gas For 3 Years? Guaranteed?

Chrysler: Want $2.99 Gas For 3 Years? Guaranteed?

Chrysler is betting that you’re worried about volatile gas prices. So worried, in fact, that you’ll leap at the opportunity to “lock in” a price of less than $2.99 a gallon for 3 years by buying a new Chrysler, Dodge or Jeep.

Miss A Payment And Gadget Disables Car

Miss A Payment And Gadget Disables Car

Auto loan lenders are using an annoying beeping box to make sure sub-prime borrowers pay on time. Cars are fitted with a device such as the “On Time” gadget. When the monthly payment gets near due, it starts blinking. On the due date, it starts beeping. If the payment isn’t made, then the device prevents the car from starting. After the borrower makes a payment, the lender gives them a code that resets the box and stops the blinking and beeping. Lenders love the device and say it’s reduced default rates by 30%. Maybe they should invent something like these for houses.

Merchant Tries To Forbid Chargebacks

Merchant Tries To Forbid Chargebacks

A reader wrote in to ask us if we’ve ever seen anything like the “Chargeback Abuse Policy” that Luxury Car Tuning in Las Vegas includes in their terms—”You agree not to file a credit card or debit card chargeback with regard to any purchase,” and if you do anyway, you have to pay any fees that normally the merchant must pay when dealing with a chargeback. The reader wants to know, “Is this allowed by any merchant agreement that you know of?  Sounds pretty ridiculous to me. How likely would it be that they could get away with this?”

Mazda To Destroy $100 Million Worth Of Brand New Cars

Mazda To Destroy $100 Million Worth Of Brand New Cars

Two years ago the freighter Cougar Ace nearly sank, spending weeks bobbing at an impossible-looking angle in the North Atlantic. The cargo was eventually saved (you can read about the salvage effort here), but what does one do with cars that have spent weeks at sea? Can you be sure that they weren’t damaged?

Geico Insurance Quote Increases Over $1,000 After Bait And Switch

Geico Insurance Quote Increases Over $1,000 After Bait And Switch

After the contract was signed, mistakes made by a…

The Legend Of The $1.549 Gas

The Legend Of The $1.549 Gas

Tony was pumping gas at a Maryland convenience store when he noticed something awesome: the gas, advertised for $3.54, was only $1.54. He then did the right thing and told the store about it. “My friends are ridiculing me for informing the store clerk of the error,” writes Tony, “but the way i figure it – I would be complaining if it had been ringing up at $4.54/gallon instead so how would it be any better if i tried to rip them off?” Good point Tony, and good consumering! Though, it sounds like not everyone was honest as Tony. He adds, “By the way, i noticed the place was unusually busy today. I imagine a few people informed their friends who told their friends…” What would you have done? Select your answer from our morality poll inside…