Even though CarMax, the nation’s largest seller of used cars, has been called out publicly by safety advocates and federal regulators, a new report claims that more than 1-in-4 vehicles being sold by CarMax is currently under an open safety recall.

27% Of Vehicles At Carmax Have An Open Safety Recall

Settlements Allow Auto Dealers To Continue Selling Unrepaired Recalled Vehicles As “Safe”
If you bought a used car from a dealership that proudly claims to put each vehicle through “125-point” or “172-point” inspections, you might assume that your vehicle is safe to drive and that it isn’t under recall for a potentially deadly defect. However, a number of big names in used cars — including CarMax and General Motors — have recently entered into settlements with federal regulators that could allow used car dealers to continue marketing their vehicles as safe even while they may have unrepaired defects. [More]

New Policy Means AutoNation Won’t Sell Vehicles With Open Safety Recalls
Although there is no specific federal law prohibiting used car dealers to sell recalled vehicles, nearly a year ago AutoNation – one of the nation’s largest pre-owned vehicle dealers – suspended the sale of cars with potentially deadly Takata airbag defects. Now, the company plans to take things a bit further, announcing it will no longer sell any vehicle that has an open safety recall. [More]

CarMax Plays “Used Car Recall Roulette” By Selling Potentially Dangerous Vehicles
During the height of recallopalooza 2014, a coalition of consumer advocacy groups raised concerns about CarMax, alleging that the nation’s largest used vehicle seller was misleading customers with claims of “Quality Certified” cars and “125+ point” inspections while not revealing that some cars had been recalled for safety issues that had not yet been repaired. More than a year later, a new report shows that CarMax is continuing this practice, which one legislator has dubbed “used car recall roulette.” [More]

NHTSA Launches Online Search Tool So Consumers Can Find Out For Themselves If A Vehicle Has Been Recalled
With more than 46 million vehicles having been recalled so far this year, the thought of accidentally purchasing a used car with safety defects might be a bit nerve-wracking for consumers. A new online search tool from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration aims to take the worry and guess-work out of whether or not a used car has been recalled and fixed. [More]

CarMax Should Be More Transparent About Selling Recalled Vehicles
When CarMax, the nation’s largest seller of used vehicles, claims each of its “Quality Certified” cars has undergone a “125+ point inspection,” and that only 1-in-3 of the cars it considers is accepted for sale, you might assume this means it isn’t selling recalled vehicles. This is not always true, and a coalition of consumer advocacy groups allege that it’s a case of deceptive marketing. [More]

NBA To L.A. Clippers Sponsors: We’ve Banned Donald Sterling… Please Come Back
Yesterday, a number of high-profile sponsors cut ties with the NBA’s L.A. Clippers pending a decision from the league on how to handle the pretty awful things team owner Donald Sterling is accused of saying. Now that it’s issued a lifetime ban against Sterling’s involvement in the league, the NBA is asking those advertisers to return to the fold. [More]

CarMax, Virgin America, Others Ditching L.A. Clippers Over Owner’s Alleged Racist Comments
If we learned anything from Deengate last year, it’s that if people don’t like what you’re allegedly saying, big companies will no doubt cut ties and run in order to avoid as much of the fallout as possible. Joining Paula Deen and others before her in the rejected corporate sponsorships arena is the L.A. Clippers, whose owner Don Sterling has been accused of making racist comments. [More]

Woman Hit With Traffic Ticket For Car She’d Sold To CarMax Months Earlier
When you sell your car to a used-car operation like CarMax, you’d assume that anything that occurs with that vehicle after that point is not your problem. But a California woman says she was charged with running through a tollbooth in car she’d handed off to CarMax months earlier. [More]

Write Carmax Car Review, Get Chance To Win $250 Gas Card
You can enter to win a chance for a $250 gas card by submitting a review of your car to CarMax, an online used-car retailer. 8 winners will be chosen over 8 weeks, and of those people submitting a review with a picture, an additional $300 gas card winner will be chosen. Even if it’s a long shot, who couldn’t use even just a possible free gas card? Plus, writing words is fun. [CarMax]