When you hear about a restaurant being shut down for a health hazard, you might assume that it’s because of an outbreak of illness, or because someone barfed. A Panera restaurant in Seekonk, MA closed down today to protect everyone after a carbon monoxide leak in the restaurant made 18 customers sick. [More]
carbon monoxide

Class-Action Lawsuit Claims 10 Automakers Hid Keyless Ignition Carbon Monoxide Dangers That Led To 13 Deaths
At least 13 people have died because 10 major automakers concealed the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning in more than five million vehicles equipped with keyless ignitions, a new class-action lawsuit claims. [More]

Dunkin’ Donuts Patron Discovers High Level Of Carbon Monoxide, Evacuates Restaurant
Sometimes the help you can offer others in life is all about being in the right place at the right time, but it’s also extra handy if you happen be carrying a carbon monoxide detector. You know, just in case the Dunkin’ Donuts you’re in at 4 a.m. has dangerous levels of the stuff. [More]

Killer Game Consoles Attack Hurricane Victims
Researchers following up on carbon monoxide-poisoning cases in the wake of Hurricane Ike have found a familiar culprit: video games. According to a study by the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, of 37 CO-poisoning cases investigated, 9 involved kids who were using generators to make sure that they maintained their high scores during the Ike-borne power outage. “Discovering that generators are so frequently used to power entertainment devices for children suggests that school programs should be considered in states at risk for hurricane-related power outages,” said UT’s Dr. Caroline Fife. We have another idea: learn how to use your generator safely.

Carbon Monoxide-Treated Meat Is Here To Stay, For Now
In hearings today, the meat producers Hormel Foods Corp and Cargill Inc testified that the practice of treating meat with carbon monoxide to preserve its red color is safe and should be allowed. As a compromise, they suggested a label on all CO-treated meat and fish that reminded consumers to refer to the date on the package to determine its freshness. According to Reuters, “officials at the Food and Drug Administration and U.S. Agriculture Department said they stand by the safety of the carbon monoxide practice and would revisit the process if new data becomes available.”

US Airways Crew Suffers Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
More comforting news from the airline industry: Five crew members were taken to the hospital after complaining of an illness caused by a mysterious smell on US Airways Flight 2022 from Washington to Boston. The smell turned out to be carbon monoxide-filled fumes from a generator that drives the jet’s air conditioning.

Store-bought Meats Dosed to Look Red
The newer the redder, brown is an elderly hue, which of these steaks looks fresher to you?