For anyone growing up in California, it’s likely that you saw used-car impresario Cal Worthington and his dog Spot imploring shoppers to “Go see Cal.” And if you didn’t, your local salesman probably lifted a few tips from him. One of the most famous, wackiest of wacky car commercial salesmen, Worthington passed away on Sunday at age 92, prompting an outpouring of nostalgic tributes. Whether or not you ever went to see Cal, here are seven reasons never to forget him. [More]
car salesmen

Car Dealership Apparently Not Too Keen On Selling Cars
It’s a tricky business, trying to make the world safe for consumers. Long ago, during my short-lived mystery shopping career, I had the assignment to sign up for a membership at a warehouse club. I was treated so poorly by the staff member registering new members that day that had I been spending my own money and not on assignment, I would have walked out.
Buying A Car: Always Up The Ante
Over at the Get Rich Slowly blog, they have an excellent email from a reader illustrating the importance of never caving in to the high-pressure tactics of a car salesman.

Wikicars Helps You Know A Salesman’s Bullshit When You Hear It
Spotted over at our darling sister site Lifehacker, the most excellent automobile resource Wikicars.

Earl Stewart on Cars
As many of our commenters justly pointed out in the comments of yesterday’s Confessions of a Car Salesman, the only way to truly avoid getting ripped off buying a car is to know what you want, know what it’s worth and have a spine.

HOW TO: Buy A Car Without Putting A Shotgun In Your Mouth
Browsing Metafilter, we found this excellent post detailing the smart way to make a purchase from those plaid-skinned abominations who lurk in the primal shadows of every consumerist’s nightmares, grinning their straight razor smiles and beckoning us to sign contracts in bilesome blood: the car salesman.