When there’s a large amount of cash on the line, it’s probably best to expect that yes, the worst thing could happen. In the case of a Seattle car dealership, the worst thing turned out to be the Seahawks shutting out the Giants last night with a final score of 23-0. See, because the dealer promised to split $420,000 between 12 winners if that happened. [More]
car dealership

Car Dealership Can’t Believe It’s Giving Away $420K After The Seahawks Shut Out The Giants

Castle Toyota Rescinds Scholarships After Students Decide To Mourn Their Dead Teacher Instead Of Staging A Commercial
Poor Howard Castleman. All he wanted was a little PR for his car dealership. Castleman planned to give four scholarships to students at Patterson High School in Baltimore, but instead of honoring Castleman’s charity by inviting the media and displaying his dealership’s banner at the senior’s farewell ceremony, the school instead decided to honor a long-time teacher who recently died of a heart attack…