Just like last year (and, honestly, every year), 2016 was rife with stories about companies and their employees treating customers badly, going too far with bad jokes on social media, and then issuing semi-apologies while making claims about “taking it seriously,” or sometimes “very seriously.” [More]

Another Year That Shouldn’t Have Been: 64 Times Companies & Employees Embarrassed Themselves In 2016

Verizon’s “Can You Hear Me Now?” Guy Now Shilling For Sprint
For years, he was the face of Verizon Wireless, popping up in TV and print ads with his “Can you hear me now?” catchphrase. Then, like all commercial fads, this pitchman’s familiar face faded from public view… only to be dusted off and trotted out as a shill for Sprint.

“Make VW Pay” Campaign Seeks Rebates For Consumers Tricked Into Buying Recalled Clean Diesel Vehicles
While the nearly 500,000 recalled Volkswagen and Audi vehicles may be considered safe to drive, many owners of these cars feel they were tricked into buying them by VW’s “clean diesel” marketing. A new campaign is calling on the carmaker to buy back all of those vehicles — and to refund the owners the full retail price for their cars. [More]

Company That Paid YouTube Users To Promote Xbox One Settles Charges Of Deceptive Advertising
When Microsoft teamed up with Machinima to launch a promotion that paid affiliated YouTubers for shilling for the Xbox One console in January 2014, we questioned whether any potential negative publicity and regulatory hassle would be worth it. Turns out, we were right to think the company would face scrutiny from federal regulators, as the Federal Trade Commission says it has cleared Microsoft of wrongdoing and settled charges that Machinima pushed videos of people endorsing the video game without disclosing they had been paid. [More]

Burger King Proposes Unholy Alliance With McDonald’s To Promote Peace Day
Vinegar and oil, soda and pop rocks, Burger King and McDonald’s: those are just a few things that don’t quite mix well together. Well, except that last one, apparently, as The King is calling on the Golden Arches to set their differences aside and give consumers what they want: something called a McWhopper. But it appears this unholy alliance won’t see the light of day, as McDonald’s just isn’t felling the love for its archrival. [More]