Facing a long airline delay during a trip to Florida with his family, a 12-year-old from New York state did what many Americans now do: He whipped out his iPhone to film the Delta Air Lines agent explaining the issue to angry customers. That’s when, according to a lawsuit filed by the family, the Delta employee told the pre-teen that shooting the video was illegal and swatted his hand. [More]
camera phones

Bed, Bath And Beyond Display Bursts Into Flames, Caught On Camera By Customer
Imagine that you’re shopping at Bed Bath and Beyond, and you see a bedding display on fire. Would you whip out your mobile phone and walk toward the flames to take a video, or turn around and run the hell away? We prefer when our readers stay alive, so we recommend the second option. One California shopper chose differently, which is why we have this disturbing video. [More]

T-Mobile MyTouch Advertises An Extra Megapixel That Isn't Really There
T-Mobile’s MyTouch and MyTouch Q are nice little baby smartphones. Sure, they don’t have all of the features of their fancier cousins, and they run a relatively ancient version of the Android operating system, but they’re relatively cheap ($50) with a new contract and have enough features to entertain most people. They have a dirty secret, though. T-Mobile boasts that these phones have a 5-megapixel camera. They don’t. Even if they technically do. [More]

Why Won't Sprint Let Me Download My Photos?
Consumerist reader Miranda is apparently an avid photo bug, snapping over 2,800 pics on her Sprint phone over the last few years, all of which she’s uploaded to her Sprint Picture Mail account. But a recent update to the Picture Mail site makes it impossible for her to download her pics at once. Which wouldn’t be a problem if she weren’t trying to switch over to to T-Mobile. [More]

Say Cheese! You’re About To Be Robbed.
Making a withdrawal? An amateur photographer in the bank lobby pointing his camera at you? It might be best not to pose with those large, pregnant sacks, swollen with wads of cash and tattooed with dollar symbols. Smile! Say Cheese! You’re about to be robbed.