Over in Japan, dog owners apparently absolutely love their dogs and many have no qualms about spoiling the ever loving crap out of them with fancy food. But when environmentalists found out a Japanese pet food company was using meat from endangered North Atlantic fin whales in dog treats, the you-know-what hit the fan and has prompted the company to pull the controversial snacks from the market. [More]
call me ishmael

Company Realizes Selling Dog Treats Made Of Endangered Whales Maybe Isn’t Such A Great Idea

Sushi Restaurant That Served Illegal Whale Now Closed
The Hump, a Santa Monica, Calif. sushi restaurant accused of illegally selling whale meat, closed yesterday. The reason given on the restaurant’s Web site? By closing, they hope to bring attention to the damage done by illegal whaling. Riiiight. [More]

Sushi Restaurant Busted For Serving Whale Meat
A sushi chef in California faces a year in prison and up to $100,000 in fines after being charged with serving endangered whale meat at his restaurant. [More]