Hardly a week goes by without news of a restaurant chain or major food company announcing they’ll be using only cage-free eggs at some point in the future, and this week is no different: today, both Mondelez — the company behind Cadbury, Oreos and other snacks — and Denny’s have announced they’re joining the pack of big names pledging to take caged hens out of the supply chain. [More]
cage-free hens

Wendy’s Pledges To Use Only Eggs From Cage-Free Hens By 2020 In North American Locations
Wendy’s might be a little bit tardy to the cage-free egg party, but it’s showing up now with a plan to get in line with its competitors: the chain says it’ll switch to sourcing 100% cage-free eggs by 2020 in all U.S. and Canadian locations. [More]

Subway Promises To Use Only Cage-Free Eggs In North American Restaurants By 2025
The cage-free bandwagon is getting so loaded, it might as well be a bandtrain at this point: joining fellow restaurants like Dunkin’ Donuts, McDonald’s, Taco Bell, and Panera Bread in pledging to use only cage-free eggs will be Subway, which says it will complete the change by 2025. [More]

Dunkin’ Donuts Pledges To Only Serve Cage-Free Eggs In The U.S. By 2025
After mulling its position over for the last seven months, Dunkin’ Donuts says it’s ready to take the plunge, pledging to serve only eggs from cage-free hens by 2025. [More]

Costco CEO: We Aren’t Ready To Set A Date For All Cage-Free Eggs Yet
Amid a campaign by the Humane Society and certain famous faces to push Costco to only sell cage-free eggs, CEO Craig Jelinek says the company is being unfairly targeted. Although the company pledged to go fully cage-free in 2007, he says Costco isn’t prepared to announce when that change will happen. [More]

Famous People Pressuring Costco To Stop Selling Eggs From Caged Hens
In an effort to get Costco to jump on the cage-free bandwagon, famous faces have been coming out against the practice of keeping hens confined, urging bulk retailer Costco to change its ways. Brad Pitt, Ryan Gosling and Bill Maher have all recently brought the issue to the attention of the public. [More]