You may have noticed in recent years an uptick of Facebook friends hawking leggings, skirts, cardigans, and other clothing items in groups dedicated to LuLaRoe. The multi-level marketing company has become a popular option for ambitious “consultants” hoping to earn money and maybe start a career. However, some current and former LuLaRoe sales reps are now publicly voicing their concerns about the company’s business practices. [More]
business practices

University Of Phoenix Faces Probe Into Military Recruiting Practices
A little more than a week after federal regulators set their sights on the University of Phoenix for possible deceptive and unfair business practices, the California Attorney General’s office is joining the investigation party by opening a probe into the for-profit college’s military recruitment practices. [More]

Regulators Investigating University Of Phoenix’s Business Practices
Apollo Education Group, owners of the country’s largest for-profit college – University of Phoenix – is the latest target for federal regulators set on reining in the for-profit education industry for engaging in allegedly deceptive marketing practices. [More]

Cable Companies Could Save Money By Flagging Certain Customers "Not An Idiot"
Cable companies could be saving lots of money and pissing off fewer people if they implemented special “this guy is not an idiot” flags on their tech savvy customer’s accounts, argues the NeedCoffee blog. [More]