A Megabus enroute to Chicago from Detroit was engulfed by fire this Tuesday, forcing the driver to flee for his life, abandoning the bus by the side of the highway as it turned to cinder. [More]

Passenger Spews On Greyhound, No One Mops It Up
Anyone who has taken the bus cross-country has some kind of unsavory story, but Angela’s got something that hopefully tops anything you’ve experienced. While riding on a Greyhound from Atlantic City to the New York Port Authority, someone yacked all over the floor and no one cleaned it up. [More]

Lost Megabus Driver Crashes Into Bridge While Checking GPS; Four Passengers Killed
Very early Saturday morning, a double-decker Megabus lost on its way to the bus station crashed into a low railroad overpass (pictured) outside of Syracuse, NY. Four passengers were killed, and twenty people injured, including the driver. Now, the public has learned that the driver was looking at his personal GPS unit at the time of the accident–which Megabus drivers are not permitted to use while driving for work. [More]

How Much Street Space: Car vs Bus vs Bicycle
This poster, said to be from Munich’s transportation department, shows how much street space it takes to transport the same amount of people via car, bus, and bicycle. It seems that if you choose buses or bicycles there’s more room for lederhosen parades. [More]

Megabus Offers Complimentary Megasauna On NYC To DC Trip
Megabus is a bus service that goes from city to city, and is meant to compete with Amtrak and Greyhound. They offer decent prices, occasional great specials, and free wi-fi. On a trip during Easter weekend, Mark learned that the service offers another perk he didn’t exactly want: a 4-hour complimentary Megasauna. The air conditioning on his bus failed, and the passengers roasted down the East Coast. [More]

Greyhound Leaves 88-Year-Old Outside Of Locked Station In 38°F Weather
Greyhound left an 88-year-old woman, along with around 30 other passengers, standing outside a locked bus station on Thanksgiving Day on a trip from Chicago to Detroit. Roxanne, who was one of the abandoned passengers on the sidewalk that morning, says that was just the final insult after an entire day of failure on Greyhound’s part. She sent a complaint to Greyhound’s executives on December 5th, but it was returned. Here is her summary of what happened. [More]

Greyhound Refunds Would-Be Traveler It Stood Up
Miriam wanted to take the Greyhound bus on a trip, but it was Greyhound that took her for a ride, refusing for several weeks to refund her ticket, offering only a voucher. [More]

Man In Wheelchair Unimpressed With Greyhound
According to Richard, Greyhound has some real work to do when it comes to making people in wheelchairs not feel like second-class citizens. Even in snowy weather and with delays, you don’t really want a driver telling a passenger that he should have brought an attendant if he wanted to get on the bus. [More]
UPDATED: Greyhound Stood Me Up And Won't Refund My Ticket
Miriam says she bought a Greyhound ticket in November, but the bus skipped her stop without notifying her. She couldn’t get the company to cough up anything more than a voucher for a future trip. She writes: [More]

Public Transit Ridership Highest In 52 Years
See, here’s some good news to the wallet-gouging gas prices of 2008: ridership of public transportation was up to 10.7 billion trips last year, “the highest level of ridership in 52 years” according to the American Public Transportation Association. It was the fifth consecutive year that ridership increased, but it may come to an end in 2009 because of skyrocketing unemployment.

Bus Company Abandons Man With Cerebral Palsy On Bus On New Year's Eve
The bus matron of a special needs bus owned by Outstanding Transport, Inc. has been charged with felony reckless endangerment, after forgetting about a 22-year-old passenger and leaving him strapped in his seat on the bus over New Year’s Eve in below-freezing temperatures. He was found yesterday morning at 10:30am and is in good condition, although his sister can’t imagine how he could have been overlooked in the first place: “He’s like 6’2 and hunches over, the seats are not even high.”

Greyhound Abandons 60 Passengers In Seattle, Locks Up For The Night
Unsafe road conditions in Seattle brought Greyhound’s fleet to a standstill on Sunday, which apparently is why they abandoned riders outside in 25 degree weather last night.
Bolt Bus Is Cool But WiFi Is Slow
I’m riding a Bolt Bus right now. It’s a good cheap way for a car-less person like myself to get from New York to DC for the holidays. A big selling point was the free onboard wifi. Hooray, I thought, I can blog from the road. But I’m finding the connection to be slow and spotty. Tried with both my computer and my gal’s. Scenery sure is nice, though.

Contact Info For Greyhound Bus Lines
There’s not a lot of contact info on the web for Greyhound or its executives, but one determined customer has put a lot of effort into documenting what there is. Here are mailing addresses and a few unpublished phone numbers for people in the Greyhound executive offices.

Greyhound Tells Passengers With Missing Luggage To 'Get Together And Do Something About It'
Is this Greyhound CSR trying to start a revolution among its customers, or simply telling the wife of a passenger that Greyhound doesn’t care about lost luggage? She claims he told her to “‘get together with everyone else’ who lost luggage ‘and do something about it.'” Like what—start a support group? Meet him behind the bleachers for a fist fight? Open a detective agency in Tupelo?

Megabus Might Honor Your Prepaid Reservation, But Only If You Chase The Bus Halfway Across Philadelphia
A Megabus driver claimed that Chris’ prepaid reservation was actually a standby ticket, and refused to let him board unless he met the bus at the next stop halfway across Philadelphia. The driver was apparently worried that the bus would be full after the second stop, but he wouldn’t let Chris ride along to find out.

Greyhound Tickets For Only $2
Reader Nico was able to ride Greyhound from New York to Toronto for only $2. That’s amazing! Two bucks! We tried to recreate the deal and couldn’t, but it looks Greyhound sometimes offers a limited amount of $2 tickets for 6-day advance purchases. Way to go Nico, you are the dealmaster of the day.

Ten-Hour Greyhound Bus Trip Turns Into 26-Hour Odyssey For Teenager
WAFF reports that Greg Moore, age 15, took a Greyhound bus from Opelika, Alabama to Athens, Georgia which is normally a 10 hour trip. But because of unannounced re-reroutes, the trip was extended to a brutal 26 hours. Greg’s family was alarmed because they didn’t know where he was during that time, and only received scant information from Greyhound. To make matters worse, $900 worth of belongings had been stolen from his lost luggage which he didn’t receive until a week later. More, inside…