Stories of layaway angels, or ordinary shoppers who pay off strangers’ layaway tabs in the weeks before Christmas or the beginning of the school year, proliferate in the news at this time of year. They make the legend of Santa Claus—someone who gives gifts while asking for nothing in return—literally come true. [More]

The Pilot Of NBC’s ‘Superstore’ Was Filmed Inside A Real Kmart
What happens when a TV production team wants to make a show set in a big-box discount store, but can’t build an entire store set because they’re only filming a pilot episode? To film “Superstore,” a new (and funny) show on NBC, they lightly remodeled a Kmart store in Burbank, California, and used it as their set… while the store remained open. [More]
An LA resident reports he was verbally threatened and banned from Circuit City after insisting that the store honor its car audio installation guarantee. [Atwater Village Newbie]