Though it didn’t get the attention of this year’s title match, yesterday saw another Worst Company In America bout for third-place bragging rights between tournament also-rans Comcast and Ticketmaster. In the end, Comcast managed to beat out Ticketmaster and collect its first Bronze Poo. [More]
bronze poo

Congrats Comcast, You’re Only The Third-Worst Company In America This Year

Worst Company In America Consolation Round: Comcast Vs. Ticketmaster
Because we want to make sure that the worst companies in America get as much recognition as possible, for the second year in a row, we’re allowing the losers of the WCIA semifinal matches one last chance to take home a trophy to impress the parents. [More]

AT&T Caps Off Crappy Year With Third-Place Worst Company In America Finish
This sort of epitomizes the last 12 months for AT&T. First it attempted to leap-frog to the head of the wireless pack by swallowing T-Mobile whole, only to fail miserably after many months and at a cost of several billion dollars. Then it came tantalizingly close to vying for the coveted Worst Company In America Golden Poo trophy, only to be given the smack-down by a video game company. At least it won’t be leaving the tournament empty-handed. [More]

Worst Company In America Consolation Round: AT&T Vs. Walmart
As we announced on Friday, for the first time in Worst Company history, readers will have the chance to vote on a third-place finisher from between the two companies eliminated in the Semifinal round. This means that either Walmart or AT&T will end up being honored with the coveted Bronze Poo trophy. [More]

Third-Place Worst Company In America Winner To Be Honored With New Bronze Poo!
Last year, when Bank of America lost by the narrowest of margins to BP in the Final Death Match of the 2011 Worst Company In America tournament, we listened to readers who called for the creation of the first-ever Silver Poo trophy. That honor will remain in place for the 2012 tourney, and will be joined by a Bronze Poo for the company coming in third — or rather, “turd” — place. [More]