While much has changed since George Washington was in the White House — wooden dentures and powdered wigs are not so trendy now — some things remain the same. Beer, for example — people still love it, and it still pairs well with a healthy political debate. Here’s where Washington’s 260-year-old beer recipe comes in. [More]

MillerCoors Adds Another Brewer To Its Portfolio
MillerCoors’ beer aisle shopping spree appears to be far from over. Just weeks after MillerCoors expanded its craft beer portfolio with the purchase of Hop Valley Brewing Co. and Terrapin Beer Co., the company has added Revolver Brewing Co. to its arsenal. [More]

Could Artificial Intelligence Learn How To Brew A Tasty Beer?
Because we’ll need something tasty to swill when our robot overlords finally come into their full artificial intelligence, a company in the UK is attempting to figure out if robots can help humans brew a better beer. [More]

Brewer Forges Unholy Alliance Of Bread & Booze With Beer Made From Leftover Loaves
Eat a sandwich? Drink a beer? WHICH DO I DO FIRST?!? One brewer in Belgium has removed that choice by taking stale, leftover bread that nobody else wants and turning it into beer by way of that magical brewing process otherwise known as using awesome science to combine two delicious things. [More]