Back in January, venerable sugary-cereal brand Lucky Charms launched a new ad campaign aimed at a novel demographic: adults. Adults? Don’t grown-ups eat cereals filled with wheat bran and nuts and dried fruit? Well… no. [More]
breakfast cereal

Why Does Cinnamon Toast Crunch’s Whole Grain And Sugar Content Differ In A Smaller Box?
Reader IonicBurn noticed something kind of weird over his breakfast cereal this week. He had two different-sized boxes of Cinnamon Toast Crunch, because it’s the best cereal in the world and that’s what his wife happened to pick up. With the boxes side by side, he noticed that the sugar and whole grain content different from one box to the other. Aside from the nutrition discrepancy, the boxes were identical. So how does being in a different box change the nutrition content? [More]

Poking Holes In Malt-O-Meal's Environmentalist Grandstanding
Malt-O-Meal’s Bag the Box site claims the discount breakfast cereal line is doing its part to inflict minimal damage on the environment because its product doesn’t use boxes like its competitors do. But because Malt-O-Meal didn’t recently shift from boxes to bags and is vague about resources used to create its packaging, GreenBiz argues it’s hard to discern whether or not the company is easier on the environment than boxed cereal manufacturers. [More]

Did PepsiCo Leave Cap'n Crunch Adrift At Sea?
A seafaring high commander of morning goodness for decades, Cap’n Crunch may now be walking the plank, because PepsiCo apparently hasn’t so much as put out a press release about the cereal since 2007. [More]

A Gallery Of Terrible (Or Amazing) Cereal Boxes
While looking for a photo to illustrate a post about children and cereal cartoon mascots, I made some interesting discoveries in our Flickr pool: horrifying (or maybe just awesome) breakfast cereals that I really shouldn’t be surprised hit the market. Some are vintage, some are recent, but they have one thing in common: you would have devoured them when you were six years old.