Since filing its first lawsuit to block companies from selling fraudulent positive reviews last April, Amazon has taken a number of steps to cutback on the number of fake review peppering its site: data mining reviewers’ personal relationships, tweaking how reviews appear on product pages, and suing more than 1,100 individual reviewers who sell their kind words. Now the e-commerce giant has sued five additional sites, accusing them of selling sham reviews. [More]
book reviews

Is It Still Wrong To Buy Reviews Even If They Aren't Necessarily Positive?
If all you want is for it to look like someone is at least reading your book and is willing to talk about it on the Internet, does it matter if it’s a good review or a bad review? Not to some self-published authors, who have turned to companies willing to write book reviews for a fee. All they want is that air of credibility that comes with having a real live person talk about their work. [More]

Make The Most Out Of Coupon Books You Buy In Fundraisers
If you buy one of those coupon books often peddled by kids who are raising money for their schools or clubs, you’re most likely doing so just to help out rather than make a savvy investment. But dedicated coupon-users can make the books pay for themselves and then some. [More]