It’s inevitable: whenever a post about Kmart appears online, wise guys pipe up to ask, “Kmart is still a thing?” Not anymore in some metropolitan areas. Reader Ryan, browsing a store in Las Vegas, thinks that he knows why this is. [More]
blue light special

Sears’ Even Uglier Stepsister: Visiting A Series Of Incredibly Sad Kmarts
A few weeks ago, Brian Sozzi of Belus capital Advisors did something simple enough: he went to Sears, took a bunch of pictures, and posted them on the company blog. Apparently, no one on the Internet has been to a Sears since 1997, since the post was a huge hit. Now he’s done it again for Sears’ sibling store Kmart. [More]

Kmart Doles Out Helpful Customer Service Survey Suggestions
A Reddit poster spotted this sign at the Penn Plaza Kmart, asking you to log onto its feedback survey website and rate it a 9 or a 10.

Kmart To Resurrect "Blue Light Special"…Again
Sears is aiming to be a one-stop shop for the home, while Kmart is turning its discount stores into a “marketplace of discoveries,” Lampert’s chief marketing officer, Maureen McGuire, said as Lampert looked on.