Dentists in Cook County, IL, were more likely to provide emergency treatment to children who had private insurance than to those on Medicaid, even if the dentists were enrolled in the state’s Medicaid program, according to a new study. Medicaid typically pays less than private insurance plans, and experts say there’s “little market motivation” for practitioners to take on those patients, rather than just going with those who have private insurance. [More]
blue cross

Blue Cross Blue Shield Insurers Kept Hiking Premiums Even After Exceeding Recommended Surplus
Insurers have to maintain a safety net of money to protect themselves from unforeseen market conditions, but a new study from Consumers Union says that some Blue Cross Blue Shield insurers took it too far, preferring to focus exclusively on stockpiling cash at the expense of customers. Two of the worst cases have stockpiles 5 to 7 times higher than state solvency requirements, yet continue to hike premiums each year instead of using the, uh, surplus surplus to offset customer costs. [More]

Sorry, Sir, Firefighting Is A Pre-Existing Condition
According to internal insurance industry documents recently released to the press, the reasons health insurers cite to deny insurance to private individuals is limited only by one’s imagination: cops. firefighters, construction workers, and war correspondents are among the occupations that some insurance companies have considered deal breakers. Similarly, acne, allergies, ADD, and even bunions have caused companies to deny customers coverage.

Tonik Insurance Sneaks 20% Premium Increase On Customer After Approval
Tonik is the rad, x-treme! lifestyle health insurance for young people who can’t afford regular insurance—sort of the Poochie of health insurance, except it’s not going to go away. Aasma wrote to us to let us know that when she signed up for it over the weekend, she got a nasty surprise after she submitted her credit card information.

Blue Cross Wants Your Doctor To Help Them Cancel Your Health Insurance
The LA Times says that doctors are objecting to a letter sent by Blue Cross of California requesting that the docs help “indentify members who have failed to disclose medical conditions on their application that may be considered pre-existing.”

California Seeks To Fine Blue Shield $12.6 Million For Illegal Cancellations
The LA Times says that the State of California is seeking a $12.6 million dollar fine against Blue Shield for 1,262 violations of claims-handling laws that resulted in 200 people losing their insurance. Blue Cross and Blue Shield have already been fined $1 million for improperly terminating the policies of the sick and pregnant.

Allegedly an internal Blue Cross Blue Shield memo on Michale Moore’s “Sicko,” written by Barclay Fitzpatrick, VP of Capital BlueCross Corporate Communications [via BoingBoing]

Blue Cross of California Hates Pregnant Women and Sick People
The state of California is fining the company $1 million as a result. Not that that will help the hundreds of people who lost their coverage.
Pay Your Health Insurance Way Before It’s Due, A Cautionary Tale
Getting health insurance held up by bureaucratic red tape is one thing… but magnetic tape?
Blue Cross Fined For Illegally Dumping Sick Patients
Blue Cross has been up to some shillyshallying in California…