Many folks might take Netflix for granted: you fire up the site or the app, or grab a disc from your mailbox (yes, people still do that) and boom, you’re enjoying a movie. It’s not always so easy for blind people, however, as many popular movies and TV shows don’t come with audio description tracks. That’s about to change under the terms of a new settlement between advocacy groups for the blind and Netflix. [More]

Netflix Will Release Audio Description Tracks For ‘Daredevil’ So Blind Fans Can Enjoy The Show Too
Unless you’ve had your head buried in the sand or this is your first time using the Internet, you probably know enough about Marvel’s Daredevil series to know that the hero is blind. The thing is, if Matt Murdock existed in real life without any of the comic book powers he possesses on the new Netflix show, until yesterday he wouldn’t have been able to fully enjoy his own kick-punching romps through the bad guys of Hell’s Kitchen. [More]

Blind Man Uses Memorization And Trust To Keep Track Of Paper Money
How does a blind guy tell the difference between a fifty and a dollar bill in his pocket? In this video, blind man Tommy Edison shows his method. [More]

What It's Like For A Blind Man To Use An ATM For The First Time
Have you ever been waiting for the ATM to dispense your monies and seen that little headjack for blind people and wondered, hey, how does a blind person use an ATM? This video shows what happens when Tommy Edison, a blind man, uses the ATM for the first time. It takes him 11 minutes. [More]

United Leaves Blind Passenger On Plane
Jessica Cabot was born blind, but she’d been on two flights by herself before boarding a United Airlines flight last month, so she figured she knew what to expect. On all three flights, she was told by the flight attendants to remain seated until everyone else was off the plane, and then someone would help her off. That worked the first two times at any rate. [More]

Delta To Blind Woman: Can You Sit Somewhere Else? This Flight Attendant Doesn't Like Dogs
Natalie is pretty angry. Lately whenever her mother, who is blind, has to travel, she seems to run into trouble. As Natalie puts it, as far as airline regulations go a guide dog is equivalent to a wheelchair, and the appropriate accommodations should be made without hassle. It’s too bad on her last flight, Natalie’s mother had to sit in the bulkhead next to a Delta employee with a fear of dogs.
A federal judge in California certified a class-action lawsuit against Target Corp on Tuesday. The suit claims that Target’s website is not accessible to the blind, and the plaintiffs have accused Target of violating state and federal anti-discrimination laws. “All e-commerce businesses should take note of this decision and immediately take steps to open their doors to the blind,” said the president of the National Federation of the Blind, a party to the suit. [Reuters]

Target Still Being Sued For Having Website Blind Can’t See
Target’s motion for dismiss was dismissed by Judge Marilyn Hall Patel and we’re taking a peek at the complaint and rubbing our eyes.

Reading Consumerist Makes You Blind, More Fundable
We know our template sucks. It looks as if it was withdrawn from the chthonic bung hole of the smelliest goth web designer who ever laced skull barrettes through his or her armpit hair. In our defense, we’ve been saying it sucks ever since it was foisted upon us by the capricious whim of our Gawker overlords. Only now are they willing to admit it’s terrible. But in some ways, the site design has paid off for us: judging from the volume of the outraged response from our occularly-challenged readers in response to this piece, we have a lot more blind readers than the other Gawker sites, which is a target demographic Gawker has before now had problems reaching. But still, we know it’s ugly, and we know that it has had dire impact on the aesthetic self-respect of our sighted readers.