No matter what Punxsutawney Phil might have declared this morning, this storm-filled winter can’t end soon enough. Just ask the citizens of Texas, where the frigid temperatures have forced power providers to implement rolling blackouts statewide. [More]

FCC Tweets Baseball Updates To Blacked Out Cablevision Customers
While some lawmakers are calling for the FCC to intervene in the Cablevision/Fox pissing match over carriage fees, the FCC made some attempt last night to keep blacked-out Phillies fans informed. [More]

ESPN Drives Football Fans Crazy With Arbitrary HD Blackouts
Once you become addicted to watching football in HD, it’s tough to go back to standard definition. And when you realize that people in other parts of the country are getting to watch the game in dazzling HD while you suffer through your grainy, small-screen 1985 version thanks to a nonsensical decision by ESPN, it’s darn near maddening. [More]

Time Warner Cable & Disney To Kiss And Make Up Before Football Season Starts
With only days to go before the NCAA and NFL football seasons kick off, many Time Warner Cable customers have been worried that their cable provider wouldn’t be able to hash out an agreement with Walt Disney Co. and that they’d be without ESPN when they needed it most. But it looks like that crisis will be averted and the companies will work out their differences soon. [More]

New Year's Surprise For TWC Customers: No More Comedy Central, MTV, Nickelodeon…
Update: A deal has been reached. Crisis averted. Viacom is demanding that Time Warner Cable pay more for the right to broadcast its networks, but TWC has refused. Tonight at midnight, 13.3 million subscribers in New York, Los Angeles, Dallas, and Cleveland will feel the effects of the stalemate first hand when Viacom makes good on its threat to pull all of its networks from TWC. Translation: no more “The Daily Show,” “Dora the Explorer,” “The Colbert Report,” “The Hills,” etc. But hey, there’s always Hulu and BitTorrent, right?

DirecTV + NHL Center Ice + ComcastSportsNet = No Hockey Games For You To Watch
I live in the Harrisburg, PA area – “Comcast Country” so I shouldn’t have to explain my decision to subscribe to DirecTV. As part of my DirecTV service I also subscribe to the NHL Center Ice package so I can watch the Philadelphia Flyers games. I was happy with my service and my TV provider choices until about a week ago…

Californians Hoping Raiders Game Stays Blacked Out So They Can Watch Colts And Pats
Here’s an odd situation. There are only two markets that will not be able to see the much-anticipated Colts/Pats game on Sunday, Houston and Cleveland—unless the Raiders manage to sell out their game and lift the NFL blackout. If they do, San Francisco will have to watch the Raiders. And they’re not real happy about it.

IDT Energy Snookering Queens Residents After Blackouts
Looks like IDT Energy reseller is still up to its old tricks. This time they’re targeting Queens residents after the recent ConEd blackouts, sometimes even posing as ConEd workers.