Full-page ads are rolling out today in 30 publications sprinkled across nine countries with an open letter from struggling BlackBerry to its customers. The gist? Please don’t leave us, we cross our hearts and swear to die that everything is going to be okay and you can still use your phone in the near future.

BlackBerry Writes Customers Open Letter Telling Them Everything Will Be Okay, Promise

Blackberry Shareholders File Class-Action Suit Claiming The Company Misled Investors About Its Future
A BlackBerry shareholder has filed a class action lawsuit against the company, basically accusing it of painting a much rosier picture of the company’s future, including how awesome and great sales of the new BlackBerry 10 smartphone lines would be. The reality has been far less delightful for the struggling smartphone makers. [More]

What If Blackberry Customer Service Ran Other Things?
Alex uses a Blackberry Bold, and isn’t very happy with Blackberry right now. He was just minding his own business when the phone decided to over-the-air update itself, the update failed, and his phone just went ahead and wiped itself. When he called to complain, he says Blackberry virtually shrugged and told him that he should have uninstalled the app that caused the update problems. Even though it was an app that shipped with the phone. Alex wondered: what if other businesses ran things the same way? [More]

BlackBerry To Offer Free BBM Service To Customers Who’ve Already Fled To iOS, Android
Back when I got my first work BlackBerry, I was all, “Hey, cool — I can email on this thing and message people. Great.” And that’s basically where BlackBerry has been stuck over the last few years, as iPhones and Android phones have erupted in popularity and gained devoted followings. Now, the company figures if you don’t want to actually own a BlackBerry, maybe you’d still want to use its BBM free messaging service. [More]

What Are America’s Most Damaged Brands Right Now?
How mighty brands fall. Bad leadership, bad planning, a run of bad products: any of these can damage a brand in a short amount of time, and it can take years to recover: if, indeed, the brand recovers at all. What brands are the most battered in the United States right now? 24/7 Wall Street rounded them up, based on which publicly-traded major companies are currently dealing with aggressive competition, reputation disasters, and a lack of direction. [More]

Could It Be? Photos Purport To Show BlackBerry Is Making An Effort In Touch Screen Arena
Whenever my friends are like, “Ugh, I just spilled water in my BlackBerry keyboard!” I don’t feel bad. No, I just hope that said friend will finally get a phone with a touch screen like the rest of the civilized world. I’m mostly joking — BlackBerry still has some very loyal fans, but its maker RIM has been criticized for not keeping up with the touch screen smartphone times. That might all be changing now. [More]

Verizon Closing Its App Store Because You Can Buy Apps Everywhere Else, So Why Bother?
Those Verizon Wireless customers with a Blackberry or Android phone will soon have one less icon on their phoens come January 2013, as Verizon announced it’s killing off its branded app store at that time. Why? Simply because with all the other ways for customers to access apps for their phones, the company says it’s not needed anymore. [More]

Apple & Amazon Top This Year’s Brand Loyalty Survey, Blackberry Hangs On In Last Place
If there’s anything we want from our products and the brands that provide them, it’s love, true love. Well, maybe not quite that level, but according to the most recent Brand Keys Loyalty Leaders List, we consumers are craving an emotional connection to brands. And when they fill that special place in our hearts, they earn our loyalty. [More]
Dating Site Says Android Users Are More Likely To Give It Up On The First Date
Match.com did some very scientific research in Canada, polling singles living up there beyond our borders, and found that Android users are a lot more likely than other smartphone users to put out on the first date. Maybe don’t use that as your pick-up line, however, if you spot someone with an Android phone. [More]
Do You Use Your Mobile Phone In The Bathroom?
We’ve all got that person at work who just yakkety yaks away on their phone in the bathroom, and it’s probably the same guy/gal who uses their shoe to flush and opens the door with a paper towel (so inconsistent, germaphobes!) Hey, maybe that’s even you, because as a new survey says, lots of us use our mobile devices in the john. No judgment! [More]

Void Your Mobile Phone Warranty: Move Somewhere Humid
Until recently, Israel was a happy and loyal T-Mobile customer of almost a decade. He’s also that person left who’s still using a BlackBerry. He sent his phone in for a warranty exchange, dutifully checking the liquid damage sensor first to make sure his phone hadn’t been dunked. But TMo charged him a fee for water damage anyway, because the real moisture sensor is buried inside the phone, and told a different story. Because Israel had dared…. to live in Miami. [More]

Best Buy Sold Out Of BlackBerry PlayBook Tablets After $300 Discount
We’re not sure if this is a sign of a resurgence for BlackBerry and Research In Motion, or just another sign of desperation: Best Buy says it sold out of the new BlackBerry PlayBook tablet over the weekend — but only after a $300 drop in price. [More]

One More Nail in BlackBerry's Coffin: More Mobile Workers Use iPhones
Back in the day, if your company needed you to check email on the go, the IT guy set you up with a BlackBerry. But in what might be the most recent in a series of nails in BlackBerry’s coffin, a new report says more mobile workers now use Apple’s iPhones to keep in touch with the office. [More]

Google To Yank Gmail BlackBerry App
In what appears to be a not-so-subtle nudge to get BlackBerry owners who use Gmail to switch to Android phones, Google announced it’s going to yank the BlackBerry Gmail app away Nov. 22. Those who already own the app can continue using it, but new BlackBerry owners won’t be able to download it after that date. [More]

Big Drop In Car Crashes Tracks With Blackberry Outage
The big Blackberry outage is having an unexpected positive side-benefit. During the days the Blackberry service was out, there’s been far fewer traffic accidents. [More]

BlackBerry Outage Apology: Here Are Some Free Apps You Might Not Want
In an attempt to placate millions of BlackBerry users who suffered service outages for up to three days last week, the smartphone’s makers, Research in Motion, have announced they’ll offer up a $100 credit for certain apps. Yay…? [More]

BlackBerry Services Rebound From Outage
The service outage that’s screwed up BlackBerry Messenger and Internet browsing is on the outs. BlackBerry overlord Research in Motion says it’s getting services back online. [More]

BlackBerry Outage: Can I Get Reimbursed?
The spreading BlackBerry service outage of the last few days has brought two questions to the forefront: Will I be able to get some sort of compensation for the outage? And… People still have BlackBerries? [More]