black friday

Jdimytai Damour, RIP

Jdimytai Damour, RIP

Artist Jeremy Scheuch made this digital image of Jdimytai Damour, the Walmart worker who was trampled to death by a crowd of Black Friday shoppers after they broke down the front doors and stormed in.

Shoppers Suing Police Over Deadly Walmart Stampede

Shoppers Suing Police Over Deadly Walmart Stampede

Who is to blame when shoppers attack en masse? The store? The individual shoppers? The police? Two shoppers who say they were injured during the deadly Walmart Black Friday stampede in New York are suing the local police — claiming that they didn’t do enough to calm down the crowd minutes before the mob surged through the doors killing one employee.

Black Friday Sugar Rush Won't Last For Retailers

Black Friday Sugar Rush Won't Last For Retailers

While Black Friday revenues were up from last year, retailers are just getting a quick high. The crash starts tomorrow.

2 Dead In Toys 'R Us Black Friday Shooting

The floors of a Palm Desert, CA Toys R’ Us ran red on Black Friday after two gunslinging representatives from “two groups of individuals that have a dispute with each other” opened fire. [AP] (Thanks to Tim!)

Wal-Mart Employee Trampled To Death As Mob Tears Doors Off Hinges

Wal-Mart Employee Trampled To Death As Mob Tears Doors Off Hinges

The New York Times is reporting that a temporary employee of a suburban New York Walmart was trampled to death when a throng of shoppers tore down the front doors of the store and surged inside.

Charts: Mac Black Friday, MacMall Or BestBuy?

Charts: Mac Black Friday, MacMall Or BestBuy?

There’s some nice discounts this Black Friday on the usually deal-proof Macs, but who’s got the better price? MacMall, or BestBuy? Going through the full discount list is a pain, so MacRumors has put together a handy comparison chart of the prices on the current models for you. The biggest difference is in the MacBook pros, which MacMall has at $200 off vs BestBuy’s $100.


If you’re a Black Friday newbie, you might want to check out this shopping guide from Consumer Reports. It has links to the best Black Friday information sites, as well as tips for grabbing the best deals. [Consumer Reports]

Play Black Friday Bingo

Play Black Friday Bingo

Here’s your official Consumerist Black Friday Bingo Card, inspired by “28 Bad Things That Will Happen On Black Friday.” I added a few of my own as well. Full-size inside. I made it using the free bingo card maker at

28 Bad Things That Will Happen On Black Friday

28 Bad Things That Will Happen On Black Friday

A Fry’s electronic worker has posted his predictions for 28 bad things that happen inside stores this Black Friday. There’s things on there like registers being down, full-on face-punching between customers, and customers and employees getting away with shoplifting. It’s not just for Fry’s, I imagine these things will be happening in stores across America, assuming people have any money left to go Black Friday shopping this year. Maybe you can make the 28 things inside into a Bingo Card and play against your friends…

Price-Check Your Black Friday "Deals"

Price-Check Your Black Friday "Deals"

I’m really interested to see what happens with “Black Friday,” the hectic shopping day after Thanksgiving where retailers traditionally mark down their products for Christmas deal-seekers, this year. As the shark has been so thoroughly jumped on this shopping spree, the deals have gotten worse and the retail trickery more tricky, so can a consumer still make out?

Black Friday Is Getting Silly: Best Buy To Hold Essay Contest

Black Friday Is Getting Silly: Best Buy To Hold Essay Contest

Retailers are scared this year, what with the whole economy coming crashing down around their ears and all, and the Black Friday marketing frenzy should be crazier than ever this year. Best Buy is even holding an essay contest. The topic? Why Black Friday shopping is an “important family ritual.” Yes, seriously.

"Black Friday" Starting At Halloween This Year

"Black Friday" Starting At Halloween This Year

“Black Friday” is traditionally known as the day after Thanksgiving where retailers drastically cut their prices and offered crazy door prizes to pack the Christmas shoppers in, but this year, it’s going to be earlier than ever before. Dealnews reports that now it’s no longer just a day, it’s a season, and it’s starting at Halloween. Dealnews expects Walmart, Best Buy, and Amazon to start offering Black Friday-esque sales early on gadgets like LCD TVs, Blu-ray players, and GPS devices. This is officially the creepiest of all Christmas Creeps.

Guess What Kids? You Ain't Getting $@%* For Christmas

Guess What Kids? You Ain't Getting $@%* For Christmas

A new Reuters polls says that shoppers will be cutting back on gift-buying this holiday season due to, you know, being broke. The poll found that there are six times as many shoppers planning to cut back than there are consumers who are planning to spend more than last year. The pollster in charge called these results “staggeringly bad.”

Follow-Up: Citibank Steps In, Forces Sears To Remove The $1070 Charge

Follow-Up: Citibank Steps In, Forces Sears To Remove The $1070 Charge

Tom just sent us a follow-up to yesterday’s post, and it’s good news:Score another one for The Consumerist! This morning I contacted Sears’ Executive Customer Service Department. They attempted to contact the store manager on my behalf. I stress “attempted” because they were hung up on too.

Sears Refuses To Refund $1070 For TV They Never Delivered

Sears Refuses To Refund $1070 For TV They Never Delivered

Update: one day after being posted here, the issue has been resolved. Sears strikes again! They sold Tom a TV for $1,070 on Black Friday last November. “Of course, it wasn’t in stock but they assured me that they could order it,” he writes.

The Best Deals Are Not Found On Black Friday

The Best Deals Are Not Found On Black Friday

Stores offer the steepest discounts the day before Christmas, not on Black Friday. A Boston Globe study found that the orgy of mindless early-morning consumerism is good for cutesy door prizes and savings on one or two items, but provides no discount for the vast majority of surveyed goods.

Is Consumerism Killing Democracy?

Is Consumerism Killing Democracy?

Political scientist Benjamin Barber thinks mindless spending is killing America. Barber went on Bill Moyers Journal to promote his new book Consumed, and to lambast us for being infantilized drones who drool over whatever big business shoves into our greedy little mitts.

Reader Wins Epic Quest For Black Friday TV Deal From Circuit City

Reader Wins Epic Quest For Black Friday TV Deal From Circuit City

Mitch writes:

There are several types of people out there, but I’m the kind of person who believes people should stick with what they say. Circuit City offered a Sharp 46″ Aquos on Black Friday this year, but they weren’t about to let me have it easily. Now, having done Black Friday in the past I knew I would be in for a fight to get my TV, but what I had to go through was just ridiculous.