Amazon introduced its Echo web-connected speaker thingy back in Nov. 2014 with the promise of a device that would not only play music but allow you to do voice-controlled information searches and set reminders. An update to the $200 Echo will now let users operate certain “smart” lightbulbs and electric switches. [More]

Target Sells Most Awesome Router Ever For Only $29.99
Consumerist reader Cameron was recently looking for a router at his local Target when he was intrigued by the “Weekly WOW” sale on a Belkin model. But when he looked at the specs, he was just blown away. [More]

This Power Strip Is Ideal For Outdoor Use, Just Maybe Don't Use It Outdoors
Consumerist reader Fred was strolling through his local Home Depot in Connecticut when he checked out this Belkin power strip, which says right on the front of the package that it is “ideal” for outdoor use. Apparently, “ideal” is Belkin-ese for “not advised.” [More]

CES Unveiled: Where Manufacturers Bring Their B Game To Mildly Impress The Press
The actual tech stampede that is the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas doesn’t start until Tuesday, but the press gets here a few days early so manufacturers can officially announce what’s behind those curtains on the show floor. Additionally, there’s the annual CES Unveiled event, in which a handful of exhibitors compete with the free food and drinks in an attempt to impress the press. You occasionally run into some items — like the baby monitor-type system for elderly people — but this year’s group had few standouts. [More]

Want To Spend $9,999 On A Mouse Pad? Go To Amazon
There are plenty of people selling Belkin F5L008 Mouse Trap mouse pads through Amazon, but if you want the one in gray, you’re going to have to pay a little bit more than you’d expect… like about $9,989 more (plus shipping). [More]

Recall Roundup: Extra Scary Edition
It’s Halloween, and what’s scarier than exploding DVD player batteries and killer flatware? Or dairy lurking in an innocent-looking tortilla? What about a zombie ATV that accelerates on its own?
It looks like Belkin has some new bedfellows; Software creator Carbonite has been caught committing review fraud by The New York Times’ David Pogue. [NYT]

Belkin Apologizes For Review Fraud, Sort Of
- We’re very sorry this happened;
- We don’t condone unethical behavior
- We’ll try to remove the fraudulent reviews;
- Our business partners had no role in this fiasco.
The one thing that’s missing? The fate of ethically-challenged dimwit Bayard (edit – and anyone at Belkin like him), who the Daily Background has since caught posting his own fraudulent reviews for Belkin.

Belkin Caught Paying For Positive Reviews
Belkin Business Development Representative Michael Bayard has been caught offering to pay anyone willing to leave perfect reviews of Belkin products on Amazon,, and Newegg. Even worse, the highly unethical strategy seems to have worked—almost fifteen pages worth of Belkin products on Amazon have perfect five-star ratings.

Some Belkin Wireless Owners May Be Entitled To Full Refunds
If you bought one of 37 Belkin wireless products between October 13, 2002 and February 5, 2007, you may be entitled to a full refund.