For ten years, JetBlue and American Express have been partners on the airline’s co-branded credit cards. But a new report claims that this longterm relationship may be coming to an end with JetBlue and that it’s already picked out a new partner. [More]

Barclays Replacing Security Questions With Voice-Recognition
We know you all love calling your bank and being asked the same security questions over and over; and we’re sure that bank employees get a real kick out of having to ask these questions and hearing customers groan. Barclays thinks it has the answer to the problem — voice-recognition software. [More]

Which Credit Card Applications Are Trying To Hide The Least Info From You?
Between interest rates, rewards, balance transfers and fees, there are lots of places for banks to hide information that might drive a potential credit card customer away. But a new study looked at the country’s top 10 credit card issuers to determine which companies are hiding the least from consumers. And you might be surprised at who came out on top. [More]

E-Mail Breach Hits Best Buy, TiVo, Walgreens, Chase, Kroger, Many More
What first looked like a small e-mail list breach at New York & Company over the weekend was just the tip of the iceberg as multiple national retailers and banks found themselves the victim of the same data hackers. [More]

Secret Credit Card Backdoor Numbers To Get Your Credit Increased, APR Changed, Etc!
Want your credit line increased, APR lowered, or your declined credit card application approved? Begging and pleading with customer service not getting you anywhere except front row seats to your personal puddle of shame? Then give some of the “backdoor numbers” a shot. [More]

Financial Advertising Through The Years
Slate has put together a sarcastic look at financial-type commercials through the years. We like the one with Samuel L. Jackson and the centaur.

Lehman Brothers Headquarters Is Now The Barclays Capital Building
Times are changing. Flickr pool member jamesmarino alerts us to the fact that the Lehman Brothers headquarters in Times Square is now broadcasting its new ownership.

US Airways Partners With Bait And Switch Credit Card Sales Company
So tonight, I was unpacking, I got the calculator out of the box, and – surprise – I find out that I’d applied for a Master Card with Barclays Bank. Not just any master card, this one had an APR of either 18.24% or 20.24%. What a deal – about double what any of our cards are right now…

Barclays/PriceRite, Devious Camera Mongers, Strike Again
Barclay’s Photo employees are a pile of snivelling scum bucket sleazebags not fit to clean the sluice gate of a pig factory killing floor.