If you showed up to the Baltimore Raven’s home opener on Sunday expecting to receive a free DNA test, you were likely sorely disappointed. The NFL team’s planned promotion with Orig3n was canceled at the last-minute following increased scrutiny from federal and state health officials. [More]
baltimore ravens

Would You Take A DNA Test At An NFL Game? The Baltimore Ravens Want You To
Fans attending the Baltimore Ravens’ home opener on Sunday will be leaving more than empty cups, nacho tins, and possibly their team spirit when they exit M&T Bank Stadium: Guests can leave their DNA to be tested if they take part in the team’s latest promotion. [More]

Baltimore Ravens Exchange 5,595 Ray Rice Jerseys, Run Out Of Replacements
To say that the Ray Rice jersey exchange held by the Baltimore Ravens this weekend was popular with fans is perhaps an understatement. After all, with a line half a mile long to turn in Rice jerseys in exchange for jerseys bearing the names of other Ravens players, it’s no surprise that the team ran out of replacement jerseys at around 5,595 exchanges. [More]

No, This Isn’t The iPhone 6 Line; It’s The Ray Rice Jersey Exchange Line
All eyes are on long lines today, and it’s not just the arrival of the iPhone 6/6 Plus in stores that have queues snaking along for what would seem like all eternity: The line to exchange Ray Rice jerseys for another Baltimore Ravens player is reportedly half a mile long. [More]

Baltimore Ravens Offer To Let Fans Exchange Ray Rice Jerseys
You’ve probably already seen the recently released security camera footage of NFL running back Ray Rice punching out his then-fiancee in an Atlantic City hotel elevator. The footage resulted in Rice’s indefinite suspension from the league and his release from the Baltimore Ravens on Monday, and now the team is saying it will allow fans with Ray Rice jerseys to exchange them. [More]

Baltimore Furniture Store Makes Good On Super Bowl Pledge To Give Away Free Furniture
A Baltimore furniture store isn’t bummed that the Ravens won the Super Bowl, but if not for some clutch foresight by its owner, the store might’ve been out $600,000 worth of merchandise. See, the store ran a special promotion to encourage customers to come in and buy items during the Super Bowl: If a kick was returned by the Ravens for a touchdown, all products purchased between Jan. 31 and 3 p.m. on the day of the game would be free. [More]