You might recall the tale of two Transportation Security Administration screeners who were accused of conspiring to tweak the system so they could give very thorough patdowns to the good-looking male travelers who passed through their post at the Denver Airport. But months after the workers were fired amidst allegations of a groping scheme, prosecutors have declined to file charges. [More]
bad touching

No Charges For Fired TSA Screeners Accused Of Conspiring To Grope Attractive Male Passengers

Two TSA Screeners Fired For Allegedly Working Out System To Grope Attractive Male Passengers
When travelers are going through any airport security checkpoint, there’s an expectation that yes, the experience might be annoying, but that at least Transportation Security Administration screeners are going to behave professionally. A new report out of Denver says that expectation was not upheld by two screeners accused of working out how to tweak the system so that one worker could grope the genitals of attractive male travelers. [More]

Study: Most NYC Street Vendors Not Changing Gloves When They Should
The first time I ate a hot dog from a New York City street cart I felt like I’d taken part in some mysterious initiation rite — would I get sick from eating “street meat” and either way, did I just prove I was cool enough not to care or worry about it? While I (and countless others) have come out just fine on the other side of a plate of rice and meat sold on the street, there’s always that underlying hesitation of, “Is this really sanitary?” [More]