
Mike Mozart

The Best Macy’s Can Say About Its Future: “We’re Not Dead”

No matter how bad things get for a retailer, its execs are supposed to put on a good face and spin the bad news into something positive. So it may say a lot about Macy’s that the best line its Chief Financial Officer could muster was “We’re not dead.”  [More]

(Mike Mozart)

Macy’s Opening 16 Additional Discount “Backstage” Stores This Year

Last year, Macy’s dipped its toes into the waters of discount retailing by opening six off-price offshoots called Backstage, and announced the closure of 40 struggling locations of its namesake store. Now it appears the retail company plans to meld those two things by opening 15 Backstage stores inside existing locations, and opening one standalone discount location.  [More]