
Sicko Pimpfants

Sicko Pimpfants

The $17,000 Pacifier

The $17,000 Pacifier

Proctor & Gamble Pushes Diapers, And More, With Mom’s Mouths

Proctor & Gamble Pushes Diapers, And More, With Mom’s Mouths

A secret army of Moms is hawking Proctor & Gamble products through words that pass out of their mouth, or, to use the technical term, “word of mouth marketing.”

Pith and Vinegar

This lady just doesn’t get it, people don’t buy M&M’s on the subway for the peanuts OR the plain, it’s for the pity. Mmm…pity, it fills the hole inside.

Baby’s Identity Stolen By Crackhead

Baby’s Identity Stolen By Crackhead

Even our nation’s fat Churchill-looking cherubs aren’t safe from identity theft. The parents of a three week old baby in Bothell, Washington discovered he had his identity stolen when he got a bill from a local hospital for $94.The bill was in relation to a lumbar disc displacement and a prescriped dose of narcotics to deal with the pain.

NYmag ‘Yupster’ Article Found Totally Lame

NYmag ‘Yupster’ Article Found Totally Lame

We were going to check this NYmag article on the “ascendant yupster” (yuppie + hipster, as they thankfully point out), but their site was down when we first saw the headline, “Up With Grups – The Ascendant Breed of Grown-Ups Who Are Redefining Adulthood.