If you plan to start shopping for a new car in 2018, you’ll have a longer list of recommended safety features to look for. Federal regulators are set to include automatic emergency braking as a recommended safety technology when distributing 5-star safety ratings starting in three years. [More]
Automatic Brakes

Sensor-Based Emergency Braking Systems Added To List For Five-Star Ratings Starting In 2018
By Ashlee Kieler 11.3.15

Automakers Commit To Making Sensor-Based Emergency Braking Systems Standard In Vehicles
By Ashlee Kieler 9.14.15
Earlier this year, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration announced plans to change its vehicle safety rating program to include two sensor-based automatic emergency braking systems. While the agency didn’t go so far as to mandate automakers’ use of the systems, 10 manufacturers recently pledged to do so. [More]

NHTSA To Suggest (But Not Require) Sensor-Enabled Brakes For All New Vehicles
By Ashlee Kieler 1.23.15
Consumers could soon have a longer list of recommended safety features to look for when setting out to buy a new car. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration announced plans Thursday to change its vehicle safety rating program to include two sensor-based automatic emergency braking systems, but the agency won’t go so far as to mandate automakers’ use of the systems. [More]