Colleges offering distance education, such as online courses, must receive authorization from each state where it has students in order to receive federal financial aid, according to recently released rules that aim to better regulate the online education industry and ensure students understand what protections they have when attending a college in another state. [More]

Breaking Out In Song Is Now An Acceptable Way To Authorize Visa Purchases
By consumeristcarey 1.11.09
Visa has revealed a darling new feature that will let consumers authorize debit transactions via song. It’s all part of Visa’s revised but always-exciting operating regulation 6.2.A.7.b, which now lets you “choose to sing to authorize a debit transaction.” Don’t worry if the merchant gives you an awkward look, they’re just sheepish about their cruddy singing skills. Sing louder to encourage them to join in the transaction-approving fun! (Thanks to Barbara!)

Cellphone Extras Aggregator Mobile Messenger Agrees To Pay Out Triple Damages
By consumeristcarey 10.5.08
If you or your teen racked up surprise monthly fees from Mobile Messenger after texting a random code to a strange number because the tv told you to, then you may be eligible for a refund, if not triple damages.