Meow! Meow! That’s the sound of Messiah, a cat, charging expensive lingerie on his new credit card.
UPDATE: Vegemite Not Banned
Reader David informs us that Vegemite, a salty, paste-like spread, and an Australian national delicacy, was never banned. It was all a hoax. We are upset; there’s nothing we enjoy more than irritated Aussies. We are further upset because we would have known it was a hoax if we had been reading the comments more closely.
U.S. Government Sparks Australian Riot, Bans Vegemite
Reminding many Americans of the salty brown discharge of a dehydrated woman with a yeast infection than any real replacement for that prince of sandwich condiments, peanut butter, the rugged Aussie thrives on the stuff. For years, Australian ex-patriates have been mollified into joining the melting pot by regularly importing the “delicacy.”
Crappiest Laptop Table in the World
Jason obviously didn’t read the warning label on the bottom of the “Freedom Laptop Table ii” informing him the device also doubled as a trebuchet. Too bad for his week-old high-end Acer Ferrari laptop.
Sic Crocodile Dundee on these Marketers
You’ll need a gator-skinning knife to slice through this hogwash.
David Hasselhoff Trades in Knight for Pepsi Cap, Rides
How do you like your Pepsi-Cola? How about David Hasselhoff? This asexually lascivious image leered at Flickr user ‘Downunder Dan’ from atop an Australian billboard and he was compelled to share it with us. Thanks, Dan! Now we can gouge our eyes out in peace and replace them with K.I.T.T’s array of futuristic crime sensors.