A number of for-profit college chains market their schools directly to active-duty U.S. servicemembers, sometimes going too far in the process. Now a group of state attorneys general are voicing their concern that a new piece of legislation will weaken existing protections against overzealous recruitment of servicemembers by these controversial colleges. [More]
Attorney Generals

11 Attorneys General Agree: For-Profit Colleges Shouldn’t Have Unfettered Access To Military Bases

Credit Bureaus Must Pay $6M, Fix Errors More Quickly Under 31-State Agreement
The three largest companies to collect and disseminate credit information for millions of Americans – Experian, Equifax and TransUnion – must significantly change the way they treat disputed information on credit reports as part of a massive multi-state settlement announced this week. [More]

Attorneys General Coalition Urges Dept. Of Education To Clarify Corinthian Students’ Options
A week after nine senators urged the Department of Education to provide support to the thousands of students affected by the closure of now-bankrupt Corinthian Colleges schools — Everest University, Heald College, and WyoTech — the top prosecutors in 11 states are adding their voices to the chorus encouraging the Dept. to protect students and clarity their options following the company’s final downfall. [More]