There are some things we do for the people we love, and then there are the things we do out of love for people we might not even know. Like the fine folks at an Ohio restaurant who helped deliver a milkshake to a terminally ill woman in Washington, D.C., yearning for a taste of home. [More]
attack of the warm fuzzies

Stranger Buys McDonald’s Worker A New Bike So He Won’t Have To Walk 20 Miles To Work
A McDonald’s worker who had to walk 20 miles to and from work every day now has a new bike, after a customer learned he had no other means of transportation. [More]

Southwest Airlines Passenger Thanks “Selfless” Flight Attendant For Comforting Her Daughter
Thanks to the prevalence of social media, news spreads farther than it used to. Some of what’s going on out there is awful and sad, but there are also bright spots to be found. Like the story of a Southwest Airlines flight attendant who went above and beyond to comfort a young passenger who was scared to fly. [More]

Nice People Doing Nice Thing For Fellow Starbucks Customer Explain Why They Couldn’t Be Nice Faster
Proving that heroes can come in every shape, size and age, an elderly couple not only returned a man’s wallet after he’d left it at Starbucks, but wrote a note to him explaining why they weren’t able to catch up with him in time, and expressing concern that he’d been upset when they saw him walking off without it. [More]

18 Times Our Readers Got The Absolute Best Gift Ever
There’s nothing like the moment when you realize that you’ve just received your heart’s desire in the form of a gift from someone else. Not only does it mean adding something wonderful to your life — whether it’s that prized toy you’ve been coveting, freedom from tyranny or a new fuzzy friend. Speaking of fuzzy, we asked you, our wonderful, giving readers a few weeks ago to tell us about the best gift you’ve ever gotten, whether it was Christmas, Hanukkah or just a regular day. [More]

Microsoft Spreads The Holiday Spirit By Telling Me To Donate Extra Xbox At Their Expense
Timothy wasn’t sure what to do when an extra Xbox360 landed on his doorstep, along with the one he had ordered for his girlfriend for Christmas. He figured Microsoft would recognize their mistake soon enough and send a packing slip for its return. But instead, he says he’s amazed at their response. [More]