Earlier this week, we wrote about how the folks at AriZona Iced Tea want everyone to know they’re actually from New York. And then I was having a bite at a Connecticut Muffin in Brooklyn when I remembered that Philadelphia Cream Cheese isn’t from Philadelphia. [More]
arizona iced tea

Philly Cream Cheese, AriZona Iced Tea & Other Products With Geographically Misleading Names

AriZona Iced Tea: Don't Hate Us, We're From New York
While there’s much heated discussion about Arizona’s controversial new immigration laws, the folks at AriZona Iced Tea have somehow found themselves caught in the crossfire, with some even calling for a boycott on the beverage brand. That’s why one of the founders of the company wants everyone to know that, just like inauthentic picante sauce, they’re originally from New York City. [More]