A recent study found that student enrollment agreements at virtually all of the nation’s biggest for-profit colleges have forced arbitration clauses that strip students of their rights to file a lawsuit against the school, and in most cases bar students from joining their similar or identical disputes together. Under pressure from lawmakers and consumer advocates who questioned how these schools could continue to take billions in federal aid while trying to avoid accountability in the courtroom, the nation’s biggest for-profit educator has decided to stop using the controversial arbitration clauses. [More]
apollo education group

Whistleblower Lawsuit Claims University Of Phoenix Defrauded The Federal Government
You can now add the University of Phoenix and its parent company, Apollo Education Group, to the list of for-profit educators who find themselves on the defendant end of a whistleblower lawsuit. A former Phoenix employee is accusing the company of submitting false student aid information in order to receive federal funding it was not entitled to. [More]

Struggling University Of Phoenix Parent Company To Go Private
Between its sinking stock price, sagging enrollment, and the hot spotlight of federal investigations, the nation’s largest for-profit education chain has decided to go private. [More]

Judge Orders University Of Phoenix Parent Company To Turn Over Documents To Feds
Just because the University of Phoenix may be able to once again recruit on military bases and enroll new students using the military tuition assistance program doesn’t mean the for-profit college behemoth’s problems are behind it. Instead, a court ruled last week that the school’s parent company, Apollo Education Group, must provide records requested by federal investigators nearly six months ago. [More]

University Of Phoenix May Be Up For Sale
Increased government scrutiny and falling enrollment at the University of Phoenix may be too much for Apollo Education Group, the parent company of the for-profit college mega chain. The company is reportedly exploring its options on what to do with the school, including a sale. [More]

Chairman Of University Of Phoenix Parent Company Dumps Millions Of Dollars In Stocks
Just a week after University of Phoenix’s parent company Apollo Education Group attempted to tone down the role the troubled for-profit college has played in the company’s falling stock prices and public image, new regulatory filings show the corporation’s own chairman may not have the same faith in the organization, as he dumped nearly $10 million in company stock. [More]

University Of Phoenix Parent Company Tries To Explain Sinking Stock Price
For the second time this year, University of Phoenix’s parent company Apollo Education Group attempted to tone down the role the troubled for-profit college has played in the company’s falling stock prices and public image during a phone call with investors. [More]

University Of Phoenix Barred From Military Bases, Using New Tuition Assistance Funds
For-profit college chains like the University of Phoenix spend a lot of time and money recruiting active-duty military personnel. But the school has come under fire in recent months for allegedly crossing some legal lines in its efforts to attract students from the armed forces. Yesterday, Phoenix’s parent company revealed that the school is currently barred from recruiting on U.S. military installations, and that Department of Defense tuition assitance funds can not be used to pay for classes for new students. [More]

University Of Phoenix Stops New Enrollment At 14 Campuses, 10 Learning Centers
The country’s largest for-profit college chain is about to get a bit smaller, as a new report reveals that The University of Phoenix is no longer accepting new enrollments at two dozen campuses and learning centers across the country. [More]

University Of Phoenix Faces Probe Into Military Recruiting Practices
A little more than a week after federal regulators set their sights on the University of Phoenix for possible deceptive and unfair business practices, the California Attorney General’s office is joining the investigation party by opening a probe into the for-profit college’s military recruitment practices. [More]

Regulators Investigating University Of Phoenix’s Business Practices
Apollo Education Group, owners of the country’s largest for-profit college – University of Phoenix – is the latest target for federal regulators set on reining in the for-profit education industry for engaging in allegedly deceptive marketing practices. [More]