Were you aware that you can get some local major network channels for free, without having to pay for a cable or streaming service subscription? If you were, you’re ahead of 30% of adults, most of them young enough that they wouldn’t remember the fuzzy, rabbit-eared past. [More]

Watch Antenna Company Deliver A Worst Company Congrats Cake To Comcast HQ
In a congratulatory gesture to celebrate Comcast’s Worst Company In America win, an antenna company took it upon itself to deliver a cake to the victor’s Philadelphia headquarters. One, because cake is delicious (clearly) and also to thank the cable company for sending it cord-cutting customers who have a sudden need to buy an antenna. [More]

Time Warner Cable Hands Out Free Antennas In Markets Without CBS: That Solves Everything
Sure, Time Warner Cable customers in major markets including New York, Los Angeles, and Dallas have to spend this summer without reruns of “Undercover Boss” and that show with the people trapped inside a mystery dome. The company has an answer for that, though: no, not an amicable agreement with CBS. They’re handing out free indoor rabbit ears while supplies last, or $20 antenna vouchers in these markets. [More]

The Most Expensive HDTV Antennas Aren’t Necessarily The Best
This morning’s news about Time Warner briefly blacking out CBS networks made clear that there are a lot of reasons why you might consider ditching your cable subscription. Newer televisions receive digital signals, but what about antennas? Are we still stuck with huge, hideous rabbit ears or metal rods on our roofs and balconies? Nope. [More]

Help Wanted: iPhone Antenna Engineer
Those “death grip” antenna problems in the new iPhone? There’s an app for that. As in job application. Apple has posted some ads on the company web site for “Antenna Engineer(s) – iPad/iPhone.” Candidates will be expected to “create test plans, execute them, publish test reports, provide feedback to the other design engineers, and lead some of the manufacturing of antenna.” Does this mean nobody was doing this before? Or that Steve executed his own death grip on the previous holder of this position?