Regular readers of Consumerist know full well that those websites like and (you’ll forgive us for not actually linking to them) are not exactly what their names might have you believe. But there are new consumers born every day, so it doesn’t hurt clarifying once again that there is only one place to score your credit reports with no strings attached. [More]

The Good, The Bad And The Ugly Of Fixing Credit Report Errors
A great way to improve your credit score is to get rid of errors on your credit report that are dragging you down, but how do you start?

Really, Credit Bureaus, I'm Not Dead
I have been battling with a silly preconception the federal government has concerning my status as a deceased person, that causes them to routinely shut down credit cards that I am using, and stresses my ability to build credit. (All this despite being actively enlisted in the US Navy)…

2006 Lemon Awards For Bad Banking has leaked their nominees for the 2006 Lemon Award, dedicated to rewarding outstanding performance in the field of bad banking.