We wrote in January about a new $10 per month fee that Chase was arbitrarily imposing on customers who had transferred balances to their Chase cards. Well after having a little chat with New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo, Chase announced that they’ll stop charging this ridiculous fee and they’ll be refunding customers’ previous payments.
andrew cuomo
“We had given AGI up to 4 o’clock today to provide the information on the latest round of bonuses that they paid out,” Cuomo told reporters. “Four o’clock has come and gone.”

NY Attorney General To AIG: You Have Until 4:00 PM To Give Us The Names
Andrew Cuomo has written a letter to AIG in which he explains that they will turn over the names of those employees from the Financial Products subsidiary (that’s the division that brought down the company) who are receiving bonuses by 4:00 pm today or they are coming at them with subpoenas. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, it’s another awesome Andrew Cuomo letter after the jump.

Merrill Lynch Bonus Recipients May Be Revealed Next Week
Well, it looks like the whole Merrill Lynch bonus scandal may have a Scooby Doo ending — with a judge unmasking the executives by the end of next week.

NY AG To Find Out Who Got The Merrill Bonus Money "By Whatever Means Is Necessary"
The NY AG has served Bank of America with a subpoena after they refused to release the names of the individuals who received over $3 billion in bonuses while Merrill Lynch was hemorrhaging money.

Merrill Lynch CEO: "Nothing Happened In The World Or The Economy" That Would Justify Suspending Bonuses
You know how Merrill Lynch recently lost $15 billion? Remember how we’re in a unbelievably huge global financial crisis that threatens to unravel the fabric of our economy? John Thain says that’s no reason not to pay billions of dollars in bonuses.

AIG: No Bonuses For Top Executives This Year
It’s apparently not entirely self-evident that when your company needs a taxpayer bailout you shouldn’t get a “bonus,” so money-sucking insurer AIG has written a letter to NY Attorney General Andrew Cuomo promising that their top executives will not get bonuses this year.

NY Attorney General: 25% Of Gas Stations "Engage In Deceptive Practices"
New York’s Attorney General, Andrew Cuomo, is warning consumers after an undercover investigation found that 25% of gas stations are engaging in “deceptive practices, including wrongfully surcharging credit card customers.” The AG says that under New York state law, retailers are not allowed to impose surcharges for using a credit card.

NY AG Will Take Legal Action Against CVS & Rite Aid For Selling Expired Milk, Baby Formula
Back in March, New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo’s Office started an undercover investigation into all major drug store chains in New York State. The AG’s Office uncovered what they describe as an “egregious” pattern of selling expired products at two chains, Rite Aid ad CVS.

Judge: "Dell Has Engaged In Repeated Misleading, Deceptive And Unlawful Business Conduct"
A state judge in Albany, NY has found that Dell “has engaged in repeated misleading, deceptive and unlawful business conduct,including false and deceptive advertising of financing promotions and the terms of warranties, fraudulent, misleading and deceptive practices in credit financing and failure to provide warranty service and rebates.”

UnitedHealth Group Accused Of Fraud
New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo is going after UnitedHealth Group, accusing them of “rigging data” and systematically “under-reimbursing” their members for out-of-network expenses.
A private student loan company agreed to change its ways after being sued by the NY AG for deceptive marketing practices. The company licensed school colors, logos, team names, and and designed its materials to look like the University itself was making the loans. [NYT]

Cuomo Subpoenas Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac In Home Appraisal Inflation Investigation
New York Attorney General, Andrew Cuomo has subpoenaed the nation’s two largest financiers of home mortgages, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac in his investigation into the “systemic fraud” that has infected the business of real estate appraisals.

New York Sues First American For Conspiring With WaMu To Inflate Home Appraisals
New York Attorney General, Andrew Cuomo, announced today that he’s suing one of the nation’s largest real estate appraisal firms for conspiring with Washington Mutual to artificially inflate appraisals.

Verizon To Pay $1 Million To Customers After Falsely Advertising Data Plans As "Unlimited"
According to NY Attorney General Andrew Cuomo, Verizon Wireless has agreed to reimburse $1 million to customers for wrongful account termination after falsely advertising their wireless plans as “unlimited,” when in fact the company sets limits and terminates the accounts of heavy users.