In these uncertain days and times, it’s important for businesses to diversify and build new streams of revenue. [More]

BP Thinks People Should Go 90 MPH On Main Street?
This is odd. Reader Kevin spotted a sign on top of a BP gas pump that has an image of a GPS device on it. In the GPS screen, it shows whoever is driving as going 90 MPH while going down “Main Street.” An attempt to subliminally encourage people to use more gas, perhaps? [More]

Two English Lads Visit Their First Walmart, Make Cheeky Commentary
Just about everything sounds better in a British accent, including outsider commentary on the banal/hilarious/beautiful details found inside a typical Walmart. [More]

Starbucks Birthplace Coffee Tastes Just As Burnt As Everywhere Else
I visited the epicenter of Starbucks this weekend. It’s a nice little store that adheres to the Pike Place Market historic district guidelines. The logo on the exterior is the original brown, nippled mermaid. Inside, it’s not that large and theres a converted tackle supply shop feel to the place. The ceilings are made of painted white wood slats with lots of low white lights hanging. Otherwise, the coffee tasted exactly the same. Yes, no matter which corner in America you visit, whether the first store or the last, you can be assured of enjoying a consistent, smooth, burnt flavor.

Starbucks New "Perfect Oatmeal" Loved By Cat
Starbucks delivered their new “healthy choices”…

For The Lumber Liquidators, Economic Woes Yield Advertising Gold
While some people conflate “recession” with “depression,” the enterprising gents at Lumber Liquidators are using it as a cheery marketing hook. An ad on their website shouts, “Take advantage of the weak dollar! We ship anywhere in the world.” I guess when your brand is all about the color yellow, it’s hard to be a mopeypants.

Fish Labeled As Steak
That is some lean beef right there. Reader Sam shares this picture of pieces of fish a Ralphs grocery store in Los Angeles mistakingly labeled as boneless chuck steak. This genetically modified food craze has gotten well out of hand. At least it’s “farm raised.”
419ers Scambaited Into Recreating Monty Pyton "Dead Parrot" Sketch
What’s interesting is that the “dead parrot” they use is actually a metal duck. Once a scammer, always. — BEN POPKEN
My Cellphone Has An Echo… A Black Man Echo
Interesting how the customer service rep refuses to give out the company mailing address at the end. Prank call or, that’s illegal. — BEN POPKEN
Other Music Through the Exploding Looking Glass
If you’ve never been to Other Music in New York you may not appreciate this as much but OM is an awesome lil music store at East 4th and Lafayette. Contrary to what this video might have you believe, the people are actually super friendly and helpful. There is a certain elitist air but that’s because they know their shit and they know they know it.