Soon a graphic T-shirt-sized hole will appear in the hearts of teenagers across America. That’s because American Eagle Outfitters is gearing up to shut down more than 100 stores. [More]
american eagle outfitters

Sorry, But New “American Beagle Outfitters” Line Is Probably An April Fool’s Joke
We’re generally fans of big companies pulling April Fool’s jokes — who can get mad when there’s laughter involved? But it’s kind of waste of a perfectly good pun for American Eagle Outfitter’s new “American Beagle” line that we’re pretty sure will turn out to just be an April Fool’s stunt. [More]

American Eagle Wants A Note From Charles Schwab Before They'll Accept My $15 Return
Tiffany tells Consumerist that she thought that returning a pair of $15 sunglasses to an American Eagle store would be a simple transaction. This seems sensible enough. What she didn’t know that her bank issuing her a new credit card was simply too much for the chain’s computers. Bringing in her credit card statement wasn’t enough, and now store employees now insist that she have her bank issue her a personalized letter in order to issue the refund. [More]

Copycat, Copycat: American Eagle Outfitters Wins Injunction Against Payless Shoes
Have you noticed that Payless Shoes is starting to sell American Eagle Outfitters merchandise? Well, they’re not. They bought a a footwear brand called American Eagle from another company and (allegedly) redesigned it to look like American Eagle Outfitters’ merchandise.