
AmazonFresh Pickup Will Deliver Groceries To Your Car

AmazonFresh Pickup Will Deliver Groceries To Your Car

After reports last year that Amazon had its sights set on expanding its grocery business to curbside delivery, the company has officially announced it’s testing a new service called AmazonFresh Pickup. [More]

Amazon Delays Opening Of Checkout-Less-Convenience Store

Amazon Delays Opening Of Checkout-Less-Convenience Store

If you were hoping to stop by one of Amazon’s new new checkoutless, cashier-free convenience stores soon, you’ll have to put that plan on hold: A new report says the company isn’t quite ready to open Amazon Go to the public due to technical difficulties. [More]

ken fager

Report: Facebook, Amazon Among Tech Giants Interested In Streaming Thursday NFL Games

If the news that Facebook, Twitter, Amazon, and YouTube are all reportedly interested in streaming Thursday night NFL games sounds familiar, that’s because these same rumors swirled last year. [More]

James Vincent/YouTube

Amazon Prime Air Drone Drops Off Sunscreen In First U.S. Demo

When Amazon completed its first ever drone delivery in the United Kingdom last year, the company released official footage touting its latest milestone. But its first demo flight on this side of the pond was a much quieter affair, captured by a bystander at a recent company event. [More]


Amazon Steps Up Effort To Rid Site Of Counterfeit Products

Amazon has previously said it would escalate its war on counterfeit merchandise this year, but now the online retail giant is providing more details on how it plans to accomplish that feat.  [More]

Akira Ohgaki

Report Claims Amazon’s List Prices Mislead Shoppers About Discounts

One aspect of shopping on Amazon is that the online retail giant appears to offer significant discounts on many of the items it sells. However, a new report alleges that these markdowns not as generous as they appear, and that many of them are effectively nonexistent.  [More]


Amazon Wants To Sell You Groceries, Even If It Has To Open Real Stores To Do It

Starting a new grocery store location is, in the grand scheme of things, not particularly hard to do. Starting a new nationwide grocery store mega-chain, though… that’s a whole lot more challenging. But e-commerce giant Amazon really, really, really wants to be your grocery store, and is apparently willing to do, spend, and create whatever it takes to make that happen. [More]

Eric Hauser

Samsung Launches Bixby, Its Answer To Siri & Alexa

Move over Siri, Cortana, and Alexa, there’s a new voice-controlled artificially intelligent assistant in town: Samsung’s Bixby. [More]

Amazon Prime Expanding Beer, Wine Delivery Service

Amazon Prime Expanding Beer, Wine Delivery Service

Hate putting on real pants to go buy beer or wine? Some Ohio residents will have another option now that Amazon is expanding its Prime Now beer and wine delivery to customers in certain cities. [More]

Pandora Launches $10/Month Premium Tier As Expected

Pandora Launches $10/Month Premium Tier As Expected

Pandora loyalists who have stuck it out with the streaming radio service —instead of switching to another platform and having the freedom to choose specific tracks to play — will finally be rewarded for their patience, as the company is launching a long-rumored new premium tier for $10/month. [More]

Mike Seyfang

Amazon Launches Spanish-Language Version Of U.S. Site

Amazon is no stranger to selling in multiple languages, with sites in more than a dozen countries, but until now the U.S. version Amazon has never included an option to make it more accessible to Spanish-speaking users. [More]

Why Amazon’s Alexa Can’t Tell You If It’s Connected To The CIA

Why Amazon’s Alexa Can’t Tell You If It’s Connected To The CIA

Is your Amazon Echo device — and its virtual assistant Alexa — somehow connected to the CIA? A video of one Echo refusing to answer that question both amused and alarmed (but mostly amused) viewers, but Amazon is now chalking it up to a glitch that has since been fixed. [More]


Nintendo Switch Will Include Netflix, Hulu & Other Services…. Eventually

If you’re already bored playing the games on your new Nintendo Switch — and its awful tasting cartridges — there’s little else you can do with the gaming system…. at least for now.  [More]

Amazon CEO’s Blue Origin Rocket Has Its First Customer

Amazon CEO’s Blue Origin Rocket Has Its First Customer

Just a week after Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos revealed his grand plan for his rocket company Blue Origin to partner with NASA for cargo trips to the moon, the rocket venture has its first paying customer, a French satellite company.  [More]

Amazon Hands Over Echo Recording Related To Murder Investigation

Amazon Hands Over Echo Recording Related To Murder Investigation

Just two weeks after Amazon filed a motion claiming that turning over information stored on an Echo speaker located inside a murder suspect’s home would be a violation of privacy, the e-commerce giant abandoned its argument after the suspect in the case consented to the release of the information. [More]


Amazon Gives Up On Selling Comcast & Frontier Cable Service

Last year, as part of its march toward inevitable world domination, Amazon opened a store to sell cable service. No, it wasn’t getting into the business: Amazon signed up customers and collected a commission. Now, however, the Everything Store no longer sells telecom services. [More]

Amazon CEO Has Dreams Of Express Shipping To The Moon

Amazon CEO Has Dreams Of Express Shipping To The Moon

Will Amazon one day provide free two-day Prime shipping to the moon? Probably not, but the company’s CEO Jeff Bezos does have a plan in which the company would build a system to ship supplies to future moon settlements. [More]

Mike Cook Foto

Amazon Employee Accidentally Took Down The Internet Earlier This Week

You might remember earlier this week — Tuesday to be exact — a disruption of Amazon Web Services caused people all over the East Coast to experience trouble accessing a large number of websites that rely on AWS. Now we know why: An employee accidentally turned off too many computer servers. [More]