The House of Representatives passed a bill this morning that seeks to limit the FCC’s net neutrality authority and could limit the commission’s ability to investigate consumer complaints about unreasonable charges from and behavior by their ISPs. [More]
all in a day’s work

Comcast Employees Say Needy Retention Call Is Totally Normal
While we all spent yesterday shaking heads and commiserating with Comcast customer Ryan Block in his exhausting effort to get a customer service representative to disconnect his service, it’s always good to stop and remember that there are actual humans on the other end of that line, people who are hired to do a job. And in the case of call center workers, we’ve heard from many past and current Comcast employees who say that type of effort might’ve been a bit much, but it all comes down to meeting quotas. [More]

Reporter Caught Shoplifting Says She Was On The Job
A TV traffic reporter in Connecticut was snagged walking out of a Sears carrying several items she allegedly didn’t pay for. But, says the journalist, everything should be cool, because it was all part of a story she was working on. [More]